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malonic Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

malonic ka kya matlab hota hai



राजमिस्री के कार्य से संबंधीत,

malonic शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

इस यौगिक में मैलोनिक अम्ल के मेथिलीन समूह का हाइड्रोजन बड़ी सरलता से विस्थापित होकर अनेक यौगिक बनाता है, जो सैद्धांतिक और व्यावहारिक, दोनों दृष्टियों से महत्व के हैं।

জজজ सबसे प्रसिद्ध निद्राकारी बार्विट्यूरिक अम्ल के व्युत्पंन हैं (यह अम्ल यूरिया और मैलोनिक अम्ल के संघनन से बनाया जाता है)।

बार्बिट्यूरिक अम्ल वस्तुत: मैलोनिक अम्ल का यूरीड है।

साधारणतया यह मैलोनिक क्लोराइड या मैलोनिक एस्टर, के यूरिया के साथ संघनन से प्राप्त होता है :।

malonic's Usage Examples:

Of foremost importance are the reactions termed the malonic acid and the aceto-acetic ester syntheses; these are discussed under their own headings.

Dibasic acids of the paraffin series of hydrocarbons have the general formula C n H 2 (000H) 2 "; malonic and succinic acids are important members.

Potassium bichromate oxidizes it to malonic acid; nitric acid oxidizes it to oxalic acid; and hydriodic acid reduces it to succinic acid.

The true nitrile of malonic acid is methylene cyanide, CH 2 (CN) 2, which is obtained by distilling a mixture of cyanacetamide and phosphorus pentoxide.

The half nitrile of malonic acid is cyanacetic acid, CN CH 2 COOH, which, in the form of its ester, may be obtained by the action of a solution of potassium cyanide on monochloracetic acid.

It is a most important synthetic reagent; with sodium or sodium ethylate it forms sodio-malonic ester, which reacts readily with alkyl halides, forming alkyl malonic esters, which are again capable of forming sodium derivatives, that by further treatment with alkyl halides yield the di-alkyl malonic esters.

Many esters of malonic acid have been prepared, the most important being the diethyl ester (malonic ester), CH 2 (000C 2 H 5) 2, which is obtained by dissolving monochloracetic acid in water, neutralizing the solution with potassium carbonate, and then adding potassium cyanide and warming the mixture until the reaction begins.

Malonic acid, as well as its esters, is characterized by the large number of condensation products it can form.

MALONIC ACID, C 3 H 9 0 4 or CH 2 (000H) 2, occurs in the form of its calcium salt in the sugar beet.

Dibromcotinine on hydrolysis yields oxalic acid, methylamine and 0-methyl pyridyl ketone: C10H10Br2N20+3H20+0= H2C204-ECH 3 NH 2 +C 5 H 4 N 000H 3 +2HBr; whilst dibromticonine yields methylamine, malonic acid and nicotinic acid: C10H8Br2N202+ 4H20=CH 3 NH 2 +CH 2 (CO 2 H) 2 +C 5 H 4 N CO 2 H+2HBr, or if heated with zinc and caustic potash, methylamine and pyridyl-ay-dioxybutyric acid.

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