landforms Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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landforms शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
असामान्य भू-रूपों में मॉरिटानिया में रिचीट संरचना शामिल है।
इसके लिये वर्तमान मानव के पूर्वजों के द्वारा व्यवहार में लाए गये प्राचीन वास्तुशिल्प, घरेलू सामान, सिक्के, मनके, खिलौने, कृषि उपक्रम, औज़ारों, युक्तियों, जैविक-तथ्यों और भू-रूपों आदि का अध्ययन किया जाता है।
landforms's Usage Examples:
Our objective was to study the odd landforms developed on the gypsum - deep tubes dissolved into the surface.
landforms produced by glaciers.
landforms created in glacial conditions.
landforms associated with them.
karst landforms are the result of long term geomorphological processes typical of this temperate climatic zone.
Relating fluvial processes (erosion, transport and deposition) to the formation of fluvial landforms.
eruptive style, volcanic hazards and the landforms and structures associated with them.
There are often small woodlands on the ends of the drumlins and dense hedgerows around the base, giving visual emphasis to drumlin landforms.
An intermittently stagnant ice front has left a classic series of deglacial landforms around the Lough Fea area.
glacial landforms left from the last ice age.