landholders Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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landholders शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
विधान परिषद में अब 2 कार्यकारी अधिकारी, 25 नामांकित सदस्य (12 अधिकारी, 13 गैर-आधिकारिक) और 76 निर्वाचित सदस्य (48 गैर-मुस्लिम, 18 मुस्लिम, 1 यूरोपीय, 3 वाणिज्य और उद्योग, 5 भूमिधारक और 1) शामिल थे।
জজজ नतीजतन, भूमिधारकों को भ्रष्ट और आलोक अधिकारियों के बारे में बताया गया इसका नतीजा यह था कि भविष्य की आय या स्थानीय कल्याण के लिए बिना कमाई निकाली गई।
landholders's Usage Examples:
One of them, Facts Addressed to Landholders, 'c. (1780), written by Horne in conjunction with others, criticizing the measures of Lord North's ministry, passed through numerous editions; the other, A Letter on Parliamentary Reform (1782), addressed by him to Dunning, set out a scheme of reform, which he afterwards withdrew in favour of that advocated by Pitt.
Below him ranked the newly converted Moslem aristocracy, who adopted the dress, titles and etiquette of the Turkish court, without relinquishing their language or many of their old customs. They dwelt in fortified towns or castles, where the vali was only admitted on sufferance for a few days; and, at the outset, they formed a separate military caste, headed by 48 kapetans - landholders exercising unfettered authority over their retainers and Christian serfs, but bound, in return, to provide a company of mounted troops for the service of their sovereign.
In order to conciliate even the Moslems, who include the bulk of the great landholders and of the urban population, its representatives visit the mosques in state on festivals; grants are made for the Mecca pilgrimage; and even the howling Dervishes in Serajevo are maintained by the state.
The first attempts at improvement cannot be traced farther back than 1723, when a number of landholders formed themselves into a society, under the title of the Society of Improvers in the Knowledge of Agriculture in Scotland.
By a statute of 1633 landholders were enabled to have their tithes valued, and to buy them either at nine or six years' purchase, according to the nature of the property.
The works were to be operated by the government foi ten years, and the cost assessed against the holders of the land.1 At the conclusion of this period the system was to pass into the control of the landholders, with no further charge by the government.
Its benefits are confined to freemen, and of the benefits the lion's share fell to the larger landholders; the smaller landholders getting, it is true, some crumbs from the table.
The constables of these castles had adopted the custom of compelling these landholders to give money and not service, mercenaries being then hired to perform this.
extends the concessions obtained by the greater barons for themselves to the lesser landholders, the tenants of the tenants-in-chief.
To encourage the poorer classes of the people to become landholders, it was decided that the lots offered for sale should be small, and that the purchaser should be allowed to pay by five or ten yearly instalments.
abutter, freeholder, landowner, squire, property owner, landlord, holder, franklin, laird,