ignominy Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
ignominy ka kya matlab hota hai
कलंक, खज्जा, बदनामी,
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ignominy शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
1678 -प्रणामी संप्रदायके प्रवर्तक, महामति श्री प्राणनाथजीको विजयाभिनन्द बुद्ध निष्कलंक घोषित ।
इन्हें सौर कलंक कहा जाता है।
एड्स तथा यौन रोगों के विषयों को कलंकित समझा जाना।
इस मुकुट को इसके नाम के द्वारा किताब डेथली हैलोज़ में बताया गया था, लेकिन वास्तव में पहली बार इसका जिक्र द हाफ ब्लड प्रिंस में रूम ऑफ रिक्वायरमेंट में "एक कलंकित मुकुट" के रूप में किया गया था।
वे खिज्र और खज्जाज से अलग हैं।
खज्जाज, खिज्र की दो शाखाएँ हैं, एक सूखी और दूसरी अबखज़ है।
ये कलंक अपने स्थान से सरकते हुए दिखाई पड़ते हैं।
सर्वद्रष्टा, सर्वशक्तिमान्, सृष्टि के एक कर्ता, पालक एवं सर्वोपरि तथा अद्वितीय, जिसे वंचना छू नहीं सकती और जो निष्कलंक है।
'कलंकारी' एक प्राचीन कला रूप है, जिसका संबंध हड़प्पा की सभ्यता से है।
जैसे - आलोक (कलंक), लांच (रिश्वत), नारी (समूह) आदि।
घटना का उद्देश्य जागरूकता फैलाने और नास्तिक होने के साथ जुड़े कलंक को कम करना है।
नेपोलियन में साहस संयम और धैर्य कुट- कुट कर भरा था परन्तु उसकी दृष्टि में घृणा उसका प्रतिशोध उसका कर्तव्य तथा क्षमादान कलंक था।
कथानक में अप्रासंगिकता एवं शिथिलता तुलसी की कला का कलंक कहा जायेगा।
ignominy's Usage Examples:
27 sqq., vii.) treats the offence as a sin against the offender himself, an act of suicidal folly, the punishment coming sometimes from the jealous husband, but chiefly in the way of the physical depravation and social ignominy that befall the adulterer.
Multan had previously fallen; and the Afghan horse under Dost Mahommed, who had forgotten their hereditary antipathy to the Sikhs in their greater hatred of the British name, were chased back with ignominy to their native hills.
ignominy of the cross.
The Wahhabi leader was soon after sent to Constantinople, where, in spite of Mehemet Ali's intercession, he and the companions who had followed him in his captivity were condemned to death, and after being paraded through the city with ignominy for three days were finally beheaded.
The treaty of Breda with Holland (21st of July 1667) removed the danger, but not the ignominy, and Charles showed the real baseness of his character when he joined in the popular outcry against Clarendon, the upright and devoted adherent of his father and himself during twenty-five years of misfortune, and drove him into poverty and exile in his old age, recalling ominously Charles I.'s betrayal of Strafford.
The only way to escape the ignominy of being caught asleep on camera was to play a game.
Absolution in foro externo was forbidden to be given secretly to those who made voluntary confession; they had to submit to the ignominy of the public auto-de fe.
To avoid the disgrace of perishing by a woman's hand, he begged his armour-bearer to run him through the body, but his memory was not saved from the ignominy he dreaded (2 Sam.
The ignominy of such a proceeding was generally "considered sufficient atonement for the gravest offences.
But on the arrival of Licinius Mucianus he was not only obliged to surrender his authority, but was treated with such ignominy that he left Rome.
obloquy, odium, dishonor, reproach, shame, opprobrium, disgrace, humiliation, dishonour,
accept, esteem, fame, repute, honor,