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godlike Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

godlike ka kya matlab hota hai



परमात्मा सरीखा, देवतुल्य, ईश्वरतुल्य,

godlike शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

स्थानीय भाषा मे इस घुड़सवार शिलालेख को जुंझार बोलते है जो देवतुल्य होता है।

জজজ कुछ स्थानों में विधिकार स्वयं कोई देवता अथवा देवतुल्य ऋषि माना जाता है।

इस झील की विशेषता है कि इसके शीतल जल में वभिन्न रंग-बिरंगी मछलियाँ मौजूद हैं जिन्हे देवतुल्य समझा जाता है।

तब माता के सदृश मौसी ने विशेष प्यार एवं भाव से सगे की भाँति उस देवतुल्य बालक का पालन-पोषण किया।

godlike's Usage Examples:

godlike beings.

godlike genius of Mark Perry, and the pivotal role he's played in punk and beyond.

godlike Odysseus ' house.

Jesus so godlike, being executed on the cross says, " Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.

Members see this apparent slaughter not as an act of evil, but as a Holy, almost godlike thing.

Dusty couldn't help but wonder how he'd gotten stuck with a pregnant Oracle and an equally moody teenager with godlike powers and no ability to control them.

In Jesus Hegel finds the expression for something higher than mere morality: he finds a noble spirit which rises above the contrasts of virtue and vice into the concrete life, seeing the infinite always embracing our finitude, and proclaiming the divine which is in man and cannot be overcome by error and evil, unless the man close his eyes and ears to the godlike presence within him.

Their earliest writers regarded the latter as the seat of the oldest and most godlike of mankind.

The heart protests against the severance of death, and claims the continuance of love's communion after death; and as man feels that love is what is most godlike in his nature, love's claim has supreme authority.

How godlike, how immortal, is he?


superhuman, divine,


mortal, profane, subhuman,

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