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godparents Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

godparents ka kya matlab hota hai


godparents's Usage Examples:

The churches have records of baptisms, memberships, and may even name the godparents.

Godparents often give their godchild a medal or charm representing the sacrament of holy baptism or celebrating the day the child is confirmed.

Names. Baby's name, parents' names, and even godparents' names are placed on the invitations.

Names-Be sure and include parents' names, child's name, and even grandparents and godparents if you like.

How to choose godparents A member of your family or a friend - that's the first dilemma over who to choose.

Both couples married and have remained close friends over the last 25 years each becoming godparents to the others ' children.

The priest, parents, godparents and others at the font trace the sign of the cross on the child's forehead.

Three weeks later, baby Claire Elizabeth LeBlanc was baptized at St. Bernard's Catholic Church with Betsy and Ben Gustefson as godparents.

the relation subsisting between the " best man " and the bridegroom at a wedding, or between godparents and godchildren.


patron, godmother, godfather, sponsor, supporter,


boycott, nonworker,

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