galicians Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
galicians ka kya matlab hota hai
गैलिसिया में बोली जाने वाली एक भाषा स्पेन का एक स्वायस समुदाय
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galicians शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
* 460 स्पेनी, पुर्तगाली, गैलिशियन्।
गैलिशियन् (गैलेगो)- गैलिशिया में ;।
जिसे यूक्रेनी गैलिशियन् सेना का नाम दिया गया, जोकि विश्व युद्ध के बाद भी (1919-23) में बोल्शेविक और पोल्स के खिलाफ लड़ाई लड़ते रहे।
| स्पैनिश/गैलिशियन् कैटलन बास्क अरानीज़।
उनकी कविताओं का अंग्रेजी, स्पेनिश, फ्रेंच, वियतनामी, गैलिशियन्, माल्टीज़, जापानी, चीनी, स्लोवेनियाई, सर्बियाई, रूसी, सिबुआनो के अलावा कई भारतीय भाषाओं में अनुवाद किया जाता है और उन संबंधित भाषाओं में प्रकाशित किया जाता है।
460 स्पेनिश, पुर्तगाली, गैलिशियन्।
उनकी कविताओं का स्पेनिश, फ्रेंच, वियतनामी, एस्टोनियाई, जर्मन, पुर्तगाल, गैलिशियन्, माल्टीज़, जापानी, चीनी, स्लोवेनियाई, सर्बियाई, रूसी, तुर्की, इतालवी, अरबी, सेबुआनो, और सिंहल के अलावा अंग्रेजी सहित अधिकांश भारतीय भाषाओं में अनुवाद किया जाता है।
galicians's Usage Examples:
g p races - Moors and Mozarabs of the south, Galicians of the north, Jews and foreign crusaders - could be fused into one nationality.
The peasantry, especially in the north, are closely akin to the Galician and Asturian Spaniards in character, physique and dialect; and these three ethnical groups - Portuguese of the north, Galicians, Asturians - may perhaps be regarded as the purest representatives of the Spanish stock.
This is one reason for the comparative weakness of Austria as compared with Hungary, where the Delegation is elected by each House as a whole; the Bohemian representatives, e.g., meet and choose 10 delegates, the Galicians 7, those from Trieste 1; the Delegation, is, therefore, not representative of the majority of the chamber of deputies, but includes representatives of all the groups which may be opposing the government there, and they can carry on their opposition even in the Delegation.
The Germans, however, could at least hope that in the future the financial arrangements might be revised; the complaints of the Slav races were political, and within the constitution there was no means of remedy, for, while the settlement gave to the Hungarians all that they demanded, it deprived the Bohemians or Galicians of any hope that they would be able to obtain similar independence.
Unlike the Galicians, however, they are remarkable for their keen spirit of independence, which has been fostered by centuries of isolation.
In physique, the Asturians are like the Galicians, a people of hardy mountaineers and fishermen, finely built, but rarely handsome, and with none of the grace of the Castilian or Andalusian.
The population is composed mainly of Englishor French-speaking people, but there are German settlements of some extent in Ontario, and of late years there has been a large immigration into the western provinces and territories from other parts of Europe, including Russians, Galicians, Polish and Russian Jews, and Scandinavians.
Spanish, with various modifications of dialect, and the introduction of many Indian words, is the principal language; and the majority of the inhabitants claim descent from the Spanish colonists - chiefly Galicians - who came hither during the 16th and subsequent centuries.
The counties were administered by imperial officials, Germans, Czechs and Galicians, who did not understand the Magyar tongue.
Ethnologically the Galicians (Gallegos) are allied to the Portuguese, whom they resemble in dialect, in appearance and in habits more than the other inhabitants of the peninsula.
galicians's Meaning':
a language spoken in Galicia an Autonomus Community of Spain