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gallantly Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

gallantly ka kya matlab hota hai

बहादुरी से


रसीलेपन से, रमणीरंजनतापूर्वक,

gallantly's Usage Examples:

corps; for the left division failed to storm La Haye Sainte, which was most gallantly defended, and Picton's division met the remainder of D'Erlon's corps face to face, engaging them in a murderous infantry duel in which Picton fell.

Of the Spaniards, Palafox, after his defeat at Tudela had most gallantly defended Saragossa a second time (Dec. 20, 1808-Feb.

A single survivor, Dr Brydon, reached the friendly walls of Jalalabad, where General Sale was gallantly holding out.

The death of Ali of Iannina had been followed by the suppression of the insurgent Suliotes and the advance of Omar Vrioni southwards to Missolonghi; but the town held out gallantly, a Turkish surprise attack, on the 6th of January 1823, was beaten off, and Omar Vrioni had to abandon the siege and retire northwards over the pass of Makrynoros.

She held out gallantly, but was at last forced to surrender on the 22nd of January 150o; Cesare treated her with consideration, and she ended her days in a convent.

On this headland stands an abandoned monastery of St Anthony, amidst the ruins of a medieval castle, which belonged to the Venetian family of the Venieri, and was gallantly though fruitlessly defended against the Turkish general Barbarossa in 1537.

After gallantly fighting for eighteen months he was compelled by the defection of his troops to surrender on the 21st of April 1884 to Karamalla, the dervish amir of the province.

He enrolled himself in the foreign legion and fought gallantly against his former comrades.

The French struggled gallantly to the close: but now a long succession of their leaders - Junot, Soult, Victor, Massena, Marmont, Joseph - had been in turn forced to recoil before 'Wellington; and while their troops fought henceforward under the depressing memory of many defeats, the Allies did so under the inspiriting influence of great successes, and with that absolute confidence in their chief which doubled their fighting power.

lie held on gallantly through the greater part of 1885 under great difficulties.





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