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flaunted Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

flaunted ka kya matlab hota hai



अकड़ना, शान दिखाना, इठलाना,

flaunted शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

बैठने या लेटने पर सिर का चकराना, कमजोरी महसूस होना, आंखों के आगे धुंधलापन, थकान, बेहोशी, चक्कर आना, सीने में दर्द, सांस लेने में समस्या, अनियमित हृदय गति, 101 फारेनहाइट से अधिक बुखार, सिरदर्द, गर्दन का अकड़ना, पीठ के ऊपरी हिस्से में तेज दर्द, खांसी के साथ थूक का आना, दस्त, उल्टी व एलर्जी आदि शामिल हैं ।

हाथ पैरो के जोड़ अकड़ना

कठोरता के क्षण या रियागर मोर्तिस- शरीर के अंगो का अकड़ना


आमतौर पर भय हमला, अतिवातायनता, पसीना और अकड़ना के साथ होता है।

१-२ दिन: पीला पड़ना, अलगोर, शरीर अकड़ना, लइवोर और उसके बाद सडन शुरू होती है।

हाथ पैरों के जोड़ अकड़ना,।

लेकिन, वह यह भी बताता है कि आबादी के 1% से कम भाग में, संवेदनशील व्यक्ति "अल्पकालिक" पार्श्व प्रभाव अनुभव कर सकते हैं, जैसे, "सिरदर्द, सुन्नता/झुरझुरी, तमतमाना, पेशियाँ अकड़ना और सामान्य कमजोरी", यदि वे एक ही भोजन में एमसीजी की बहुत अधिक मात्रा का अंतःग्रहण करें।

flaunted's Usage Examples:

After a hiatus from acting, Kirstie flaunted a shocking new form in 2005.

Astute in small matters, he had no breadth of view or foresight; his policy was continually warped by his passions or caprices; he flaunted vices of the most sordid kind with a cynical indifference to public opinion, and shocked an age which was far from tenderhearted by his ferocity to vanquished enemies.

To the more extreme end you find the blatant misogyny flaunted in Slick Rick's track ' Treat Her Like A Prostitute ' .

flaunted in front of us.

flaunted too much on Flaubert and his likes.

I was absolutely aghast to hear how much my correspondence was being flaunted before the public gaze.

This was an international coup de force, which presupposed that all these nations in whose eyes independence was flaunted would make no claim to enjoy it; that though they had been beaten and pillaged they would not learn to conquer in their turn; and that the king of Sardinia, dispossessed of Milan, the grand-duke of Tuscany who Md given refuge to the pope when driven from Rome, and the king of Naples, ~iho had opened his ports to Nelsons fleet, would not find allies to make a stand against this hypocritical system.

In Edinburgh she was received by a yelling mob, which flaunted before her at each turn a banner representing the corpse of Darnley with her child beside it invoking on his knees the retribution of divine justice.

Only a few minutes ago she had flaunted death.

He's flaunted the divine codes for too long.


flex, swank, flash, expose, show off, splurge, display, ostentate, exhibit,


wrap, veil, overexpose, underexpose, keep quiet,

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