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flavonoid Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

flavonoid ka kya matlab hota hai


पौधे के रंगों की एक बड़ी कक्षा में से कोई भी रासायनिक संरचना जिसमें फ्लैवोन के समान या समान होता है

flavonoid's Usage Examples:

The active ingredient in milk thistle is called silymarin, which is a flavonoid complex that is extracted from the seeds of the herb.

Many years ago, the flavonoid rutin was reported to increase the effectiveness of conventional medication in people with glaucoma.

Onions and apples contain large amounts of a flavonoid called quercetin.

Taking flavonoid supplements can help you get all this cardiovascular support and still enjoy the benefits of a low-carb lifestyle.

For gentle skin cleansing and purification Combines purifying micro-particles with the regulating effectiveness of the plant flavonoid complex.

Flavonoid intakes were estimated based on the known flavonoid intakes were estimated based on the known flavonoid concentrations in specific foods.

flavonoid family of plant chemicals, which have been credited with a wide range of health-promoting advantages.

Ipriflavone is a synthetic flavonoid derived from the soya isoflavone called daidzein.

Block that enzyme About one third of the dry weight of green tea leaves is made up of a flavonoid called catechin.

Well this is due to the presence of some substances in the leaves called anthocyanins, members of the flavonoid group.

flavonoid's Meaning':

any of a large class of plant pigments having a chemical structure based on or similar to flavone


phytochemical, pigment,



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