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flaubert Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

flaubert ka kya matlab hota hai


उपन्यास और लघु कथाओं के फ्रांसीसी लेखक (1821-1880)

flaubert's Usage Examples:

Sand d'Alfred de Musset (Brussels, 1904), Correspondance entre George Sand et Gustave Flaubert (1904), and Lettres a Alfred de Musset et a Sainte-Beuve (1897).

Like Flaubert, Eça was concerned with revealing the detailed psychological motives behind his character's behavior.

When Flaubert wrote Madame Bovary, I believe he thought chiefly of a somewhat morbid realism; and behold!

flaunted too much on Flaubert and his likes.

The Relic conveys the impressions of a journey in Palestine and in parts suggests his indebtedness to Flaubert, but its mysticism is entirely new and individual; while the versatility of his talent further appears in The Correspondence of Fradique Mendes, where acute observation is combined with brilliant satire or rich humour.

Flaubert's Salammbo ought always to be read by those who visit Carthage and Tunisia.

Her nights were spent in writing, which seemed in her case a relaxation from the real business of the day, playing with her grandchildren, gardening, conversing with her visitors - it might be Balzac or Dumas, or Octave Feuillet or Matthew Arnold - or writing long letters to Sainte-Beuve and Flaubert.

flaubert's Meaning':

French writer of novels and short stories (1821-1880

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