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endothelium Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

endothelium ka kya matlab hota hai


Mesoblastic मूल का एक उपकला; चपटा कोशिकाओं की एक पतली परत जो कुछ शरीर के गुहाओं के अंदर होती है


अन्तःकला, अन्तःचूचुक, अन्तःस्तर,

endothelium शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:


अन्तःकला का संलयन करके ये परजीवी अधःश्लेष्मल परतों में और वहाँ से अरीयक्षत करते हुए पेशीय परत तक पहुँच जाते हैं।

कुछ अज्ञात कारकों की वजह से अन्तःकला (एंडोथीलियम) में संवहनी क्षति का सामना करना पड़ता है जिससे अतिरक्तदाब का समस्या उत्पन्न हो जाती है।

endothelium's Usage Examples:

Insulin has been demonstrated to have direct effects on the endothelium to increase NO bioavailability.

Regarding the Echinoderms as a whole in the light of the foregoing account, we may give the following analytic summary of the characters that distinguish them from other coelomate animals: They live in salt or brackish water; a primitive bilateral symmetry is still manifest in the right and left divisions of the coelom; the middle coelomic cavities are primitively transformed into two hydrocoels communicating with the exterior indirectly through a duct or ducts of the anterior coelom; stereom, composed of crystalline carbonate of lime, is, with few exceptions, deposited by special amoebocytes in the meshes of a mesodermal stroma, chiefly in the integument; reproductive cells are derived from the endothelium, apparently of the anterior coelom; total segmentation of the ovum produces a coeloblastula and gastrula by invagination; mesenchyme is formed in the segmentation cavity by migration of cells, chiefly from the hypoblast.

Probably the lining endothelium of the blood-vessels as well as other tissues of the body participate in the production of anti-substances.

The structure of the corpora cavernosa consists of a strong fibrous coat, the tunica albuginea, from the deep surface of which numerous fibrous trabeculae penetrate the interior and divide it into a number of spaces which are lined with endothelium and communicate with the veins.

The ventricle and auricles of Anodonta lie in a pericardium which is clothed with a pavement endothelium (d, fig.

Nevertheless the filament is a complete tube formed of chitinous substance and clothed externally by ciliated epithelium, internally by endothelium and lacunar tissue - a form of connective tissue - as shown in fig.

Thus, while increased pressure in the blood or lymph vessels may be one factor, and increased permeability of the capillary endothelium another, increased osmotic pressure in the tissues and lymph is probably the most important in the production of dropsy.

Certain free mobile cells within the body, such as blood-leucocytes, as well as others which are fixed, as for instance the endothelium of the hepatic capillaries, have the property of seizing upon some kinds of particulate matter brought within their reach.

The vascular system itself is quite peculiar, consisting of lacunae and channels destitute of endothelium, situated within the thickness of the basementmembrane of the body-wall, of the gut-wall and of the mesenteries.

Inside the syncytium is a not very regular layer of circular muscle fibres, and within this again some rather scattered longitudinal fibres; there is no endothelium.

endothelium's Meaning':

an epithelium of mesoblastic origin; a thin layer of flattened cells that lines the inside of some body cavities

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