endowing Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
endowing ka kya matlab hota hai
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endowing's Usage Examples:
But it was not long before his unbridled passion for endowing his relatives at the expense of the church and of his neighbours became manifest.
During the week which he spent there, Bonaparte displayed marvellous energy in endowing the city with modern institutions; he even arranged the course of studies to be followed in the university.
Lessons from the Book of Acts-These lessons include many of the popular biblical stories found in Acts, including the tale of the angel breaking Peter out of prison and the story of the spirit endowing Peter and John with boldness.
of which Frances allies, Spain and Holland, paid all su1te~~ the costs, finally gave the peacemaker a pretext for endowing himself with a Consulate, not for ten years but for life, as a recompense from the nation.
This study demonstrates that endowing scaffolds with a sensing element could provide an on-line and non-destructive monitoring method for tissue engineering.
In it he invented a new persona for the devil, endowing him with courtly manners.
The cost of fully endowing a fellowship in perpetuity is around one million pounds.
endowing scaffolds with a sensing element could provide an on-line and non-destructive monitoring method for tissue engineering.
Though she made no special distinction of creed in her charities, she was a notable benefactor of the Church of England, building and endowing churches and church schools, endowing the bishoprics of Cape Town and of Adelaide (1847), and founding the bishopric of British Columbia (1857).
Much good work was done by the Republicans during their brief tenure of power,but it soon came to an endowing to the course of events which favored a reaction against France.
indue, gift, enable, empower, cover, endue, invest,
fall short of, show, arise, exclude, disable,