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disillusionment Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

disillusionment ka kya matlab hota hai

मोह भंग


आशाभंग, मायूसी, मायाजाल से मुक्ति, निराशा, मोहभंग,

disillusionment शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

पुनः मुजफ्फर खान अफगानों के जमावड़ों की खबर पाकर (मरहा गंडक नदी के पास) पहुँचा, लेकिन इसी युद्ध में मुगल सेना हार गयी और इस पराजय से मुगल सेना में गहरी मायूसी छाई हुई थी, लेकिन मुजफ्फर खान पुनः मुगल सेना को संगठित कर पुनः अफगान विद्रोही पर आक्रमण कर दिया।

मायूसी का ज़माना था।

জজজ1 मई को लगातार हुयी बरसात से तमाम किसानों की खड़ी अथवा कटी गेंहू की सफलों पर बुरा असर पड़ा हालांकि अगले दिन तासीर की गर्माहट और प्रशासन द्वारा राहत पहुंचाने की घोषणा से थोड़ी तसल्ली तो हुयी मगर कुछ सवाल जो किसानों की मायूसी दूर नही कर पा रहे उन सवालों का हल तलाशने की गुरेज इसलिए है ताकि किसानों के हल उनके खेतों में चल सकें।

रहना, उदासी व मायूसी प्रमुख है।

disillusionment's Usage Examples:

These deaths in Iraq have led to growing disillusionment in US.

He had fifteen years left to live, years spent in bitter disillusionment in which he felt his life had been a failure.

The completion of the second Temple (516 B.C.) has been followed by disillusionment as to the anticipated prosperity, by indifference to worship, scepticism as to providence, and moral laxity.'

Guicciardini seems to glory in his disillusionment, and uses his vast intellectual ability for the analysis of the corruption he had helped to make incurable.

Of a fourth opinion the most conspicuous representative was the Tsarevich, who could not forget his disillusionment at Austerlitz, where he had ridden out at the head of the Guards, in his casque and cavalry uniform as to a review, expecting to crush the French gallantly; but unexpectedly finding himself in the front line had narrowly escaped amid the general confusion.

Their disillusionment, indeed, was speedy and complete, and their gratitude was great, when, by the conditions of the armistice of 549, he allowed their return.

His disillusionment was completed by the murder of the duc d'Enghien.

The disillusionment as regards material means for improving the life of mankind had given rise in many minds to a quest for religion, and this mystic current had attracted men like Struve, Bulgakov, Berdiayev and others.

The disillusionment that followed was profound.

The disillusionment of Francis I., who had hitherto hoped that Charles V.


disenchantment, sophistication, edification, disillusion,


naivete, unenlightenment, enchant,

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