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disinclination Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

disinclination ka kya matlab hota hai



अनिच्छुकता, इच्छा का अभाव, अनिच्छा,

disinclination शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

शब्द अहिंसा का अर्थ है हिंसा का अभाव, या अन्य जीवों को नुकसान पहुँचाने की इच्छा का अभाव

জজজकन्डोम नपुंसक पने का प्रमुख कारण है और सैक्स की समस्याएं उत्पन्न करता है जैसे मुत्रघात, इच्छा का अभाव अादि।

आम नकारात्मक लक्षणों में नीरस या कुंठित करने वाले प्रभाव और मनोभाव, भाषा में कृपणता (वाक् रोध), आनंद की अनुभूति करने की अक्षमता (विषय सुख का लोप), संबंध स्थापित करने की इच्छा का अभाव (असामाजिकता) और प्रेरणा की कमी (इच्छा शक्ति की कमी) शामिल हैं।

इस शब्द की उत्पत्ति ग्रीक से हुई है: a (α, निषेध का उपसर्ग), n (ν, दो स्वर वर्णों के बीच की कड़ी) और orexis (ओरेक्सिस) (ορεξις, भूख), इस तरह इसका अर्थ है – भोजन करने की इच्छा का अभाव.।

disinclination's Usage Examples:

The development of the country was, however, slow, due in part to the disinclination of the Reichstag to vote supplies sufficient for the building of railways to the fertile lake regions.

High pier dues, moreover, contributed to the decline of the traffic, and attempts to overcome the disinclination of passengers to use the river (at any rate in winter) show a record of failure.

One of the purposes of this restrictive provision was that of creating a national merchant marine, but the disinclination of Brazilians for maritime pursuits has been a serious obstacle to its realization.

You can overcome all disinclination for work if you consider it as dedicated to God.

Whig politicians out of favor also showed no disinclination to join them.

The unusually outspoken and pointed expression, however, of his disinclination to submit to Muscovite duplicity or to "pin-pricks" or "unmannerliness" from France was criticized on the score of discretion by a wider circle than that of his political adversaries.

Disinclination for the self-sacrifice of active life and weariness of the things of the earth lead naturally to absorption in the things of heaven.

There was no military spirit in a population unused to arms, nor any disinclination to be relieved from an arbitrary and persecuting rule.

On the return of the Unionists to power in 1895 he resumed the leadership of the House, but not at first with the success expected of him, his management of the abortive education proposals of '96 being thought, even by his own supporters, to show a disinclination for the continuous drudgery of parliamentary management under modern conditions.

Commodore Chauncey showed a preference for relying on his long guns, and a disinclination to come to close quarters.


unwillingness, slothfulness, hesitancy, reluctance, indisposition, hesitation, involuntariness, sloth,


Anglophilia, confidence, wellness, venial sin, willingness,

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