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disillusion Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

disillusion ka kya matlab hota hai



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disillusion's Usage Examples:

The result was that, despite widespread popular disillusion with New Labor this June, we failed to move public opinion our way.

The mutual ardour;gradually cooled; motives of prudence and decorum urged the discontinuance of the connexion; and disillusion changed insensibly to disgust.

No event in the history of England had been attended with more lively and general rejoicing than Charles's restoration, and none was destined to cause greater subsequent disappointment and disillusion.

In order to disillusion anyone who may think that my position was a sinecure, I shall now digress.

But it is to be remembered that Miss Keller has written many things in her autobiography for the fun of writing them, and the disillusion, which the writer of the editorial took seriously, is in great part humorous.

But however indubitable that conclusion and the officer's conviction based upon it, Pierre felt it necessary to disillusion him.


disenchantment, disillusionment, sophistication, edification,


raise, ascend, rise, naivete, unenlightenment,

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