decried Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
decried ka kya matlab hota hai
आक्षेप करना, झिड़की देना, निंदा करना, दोष देना,
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decried शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
यदि महिलाओं को लगता है कि उन्हें इस समाजशास्त्रीय आदर्श मानक पर खरा उतरना है, तो यह केवल पुरुषों को बता रहा है कि महिलाओं को आक्षेप करना और उनका यौन शोषण करना ठीक है।
(2) उनका आपपर और कुरआन पर विभिन्न और विरोधाभासी आक्षेप करना और किसी एक बात पर न जमना—इसपर संक्षिप्त किन्तु अत्यन्त ज़ोरदार अर्थजनक रीति से पकड़ की गई है।
(7) जैन दर्शन अध्यात्म कर्म सिध्दांत का अध्ययन किए बिना जैन आचार संहिता पर आक्षेप करना वैचारिक अपरिपक्वता का सूचक है।
decried's Usage Examples:
decryt is the dictatorship so much decried, particularly by those who today dictate for capitalism.
decrydiff's fans have often decried higher division opponents who rest key players and their fans for not supporting these matches.
decryre is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power?
decryessence he decried what Google are doing as a waste of time.
decryting there, all offended like pre-menstrual teenage girls we decried the sorry state of regeneration Liverpool and put the world to rights.
decryability to powered by a decried bennett compared piece of uranium.
"What shall be said," he added, "of the state of things, when it is remembered that the writer is a man decried, persecuted and proscribed; not being much valued even by his own party, and by half the nation considered as little better than an ingenious madman?"
It appeared, and soon its author was more lauded and decried than any other thinker of his time; but the first effect of its publication was to sever his connexion with the exiled royalist party, and to throw him for protection on the revolutionary Government.
Franklin as a scientist 5 and as an inventor has been decried by experts as an amateur and a dabbler; but it should be remembered that it was always his hope to retire from public life and devote himself to science.
But the writer now ceased to be decried, persecuted and proscribed, and his book was seized as the expression of that new current of opinion in Europe which the more recent events of the Revolution had slowly set flowing.
denounce, condemn, excoriate, reprobate, objurgate,
acquit, applaud, approbate, accept, incorrupt,