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decry Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

decry ka kya matlab hota hai



आक्षेप करना, झिड़की देना, निंदा करना, दोष देना,

decry शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

यदि महिलाओं को लगता है कि उन्हें इस समाजशास्त्रीय आदर्श मानक पर खरा उतरना है, तो यह केवल पुरुषों को बता रहा है कि महिलाओं को आक्षेप करना और उनका यौन शोषण करना ठीक है।

(2) उनका आपपर और कुरआन पर विभिन्न और विरोधाभासी आक्षेप करना और किसी एक बात पर न जमना—इसपर संक्षिप्त किन्तु अत्यन्त ज़ोरदार अर्थजनक रीति से पकड़ की गई है।

(7) जैन दर्शन अध्यात्म कर्म सिध्दांत का अध्ययन किए बिना जैन आचार संहिता पर आक्षेप करना वैचारिक अपरिपक्वता का सूचक है।


decry's Usage Examples:

I get angry when I see right wing moralists, like some here tonight, decry our relationships.

Purists may decry The Go-Gos' courting of the mainstream but it is hard to quibble with the success.

Animal activists decry this practice as unfair treatment of animals and demand that the shows be stopped in their tracks.

Despite the fact that many people complain about reality television and decry its existence, the genre continues to expand.

Even though we now have a standardized video games rating system, there are still individuals like Jack Thompson who decry the violence and mature themes found in many video games.

As headlines decry the state of American education, there are plenty of volunteers who step up to the plate and help by tutoring, teaching or mentoring young people.

The simple system of rural economy is entirely based upon the dealings of this man, whom it is the fashion sometimes to decry as a usurer, but who is really the one thrifty person among an improvident population.

I do not decry that I am a expert scientist.

All, or almost all, the clever young men of the brilliant generation of 1830 passed under his influence; and, while he pleased the Romanticists by his frank appreciation of the beauties of English, German, Italian and Spanish poetry, he had not the least inclination to decry the classics - either the classics proper of Greece and Rome or the so-called classics of France.

Handel was appreciated in Dublin at a time when it was still the fashion to decry him in London.


denounce, condemn, excoriate, reprobate, objurgate,


acquit, applaud, approbate, accept, incorrupt,

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