<< decapitations decapod crustacean >>

decapod Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

decapod ka kya matlab hota hai


decapod's Usage Examples:

Advocates is calling on DEFRA and SEERAD to reconsider and extend the definition of " animal " to include cephalopods and decapod crustaceans.

Ecology of decapod crustacean larvae in the Irish Sea and the German Bight during the spring.

decapod crustacean larvae in the Irish Sea and the German Bight during the spring.

decapod crustaceans do not have thermal receptors.

I doubt that decapod crustaceans do not have thermal receptors.

This originated in America, where it is known as the " Decapod."


order Decapoda, cephalopod mollusk, Decapoda, cuttle, Spirula peronii, cuttlefish, squid, spirula, cephalopod,


advance, cheer,

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