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conjunctiva Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

conjunctiva ka kya matlab hota hai


एक पारदर्शी स्नेहक श्लेष्म झिल्ली जो आंखों और आंखों के नीचे की सतह को कवर करता है



conjunctiva शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

कंजाक्तिवा (Conjunctiva) के विकार, ।

कोई भी दाग जो परितारिका और कंजाक्तिवा पर निरंतर बढ़ रहा हो, उसकी जाँच की जानी चाहिए.।

इसे ग्रैनुलर कंजक्टिवाइटिस, इजिप्शियन ऑप्‍थैल्मिया, एवं ब्‍लाइंडिंग ट्रैकोमा भी कहा जाता है।

स्क्वैमस कार्सिनोमा और अंतःउपकला नवार्बुद की कंजाक्तिवा

कंजाक्तिवा का लसीकार्बुद।

conjunctiva's Usage Examples:

conjunctiva in the eye, which causes redness, soreness and discharge from the affected eye.

The ocular surface as part of the mucosal immune system: kinetics of immune cell traffic across basement membrane of the human conjunctiva.

Mucous membrane graft to the upper lid tarsal conjunctiva can be useful.

conjunctiva of the eye.

A 3 cm needle is inserted half way between the lateral canthus and the lateral limbus in the lower conjunctiva.

The extensive conjunctival defect, involving one-half of the bulbar conjunctiva, was reconstructed with an amniotic membrane allograft.

The irritation of the conjunctiva caused by dust leads to winking of the eyelids, lachrymation and rubbing, which tend to remove it; but after the dust has been removed violent rubbing tends rather to keep up the irritation; and sometimes, if the particle of dust remains under the eyelid and is sharp and angular, the process of rubbing may cause it to injure the conjunctiva much more than if it were left alone.

Applied to the conjunctiva it causes anaesthesia, dilatation of the pupil, diminution of the intraocular tension, and some interference with accommodation.

It is absorbed by the conjunctiva, but, excepting cobra poison, not by the mouth or alimentary canal, provided there be no hollow teeth and no abrasions.

Lotio Rubra, the familiar "Red Lotion," a solution of zinc sulphate, is widely used in many catarrhal inflammations, as of the ear, urethra, conjunctiva, 'c. There are also innumerable ointments.

conjunctiva's Meaning':

a transparent lubricating mucous membrane that covers the eyeball and the under surface of the eyelid


eyelid, optic, conjunctival layer of eyelids, oculus, pinguecula, bulbar conjunctiva, lid, tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum, tunica conjunctiva bulbi, conjunctival layer of bulb, mucous membrane, mucosa, pterygium, palpebra, eye, palpebra conjunctiva,


effector, inattention,

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