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clearer Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

clearer ka kya matlab hota hai



साफ़ जाना,


निर्मल करना, शुद्ध करना, स्वच्छ होना, लांघना, हटाना, साफ़ करना, साफ़ जाना, खुलना,


अम्लान, सित, विशद, विशुद्ध, धवल, शुद्ध, निर्मल, साफ़-सुथरा, साफ़, स्पष्ट,


साफ़ साफ़,

clearer's Usage Examples:

Such a riper analysis of the mystery of his own personality enabled him to arrive at a clearer conception of the idea of divine personality, " whose triunity has nothing potential or unrealized about it; whose triune elements are eternally actualized, by no outward influence, but from within; a Trinity in Unity."

In the popular mind the hosts of exciting oriental cults, which in the 3rd and 4th centuries of the Empire filled Rome with the rites of mysticism and initiation, held undisputed sway; and with the more educated a revived philosophy, less accurate perhaps in thought, but more satisfying to the religious conscience, gave men a clearer monotheistic conception, and a notion of individual relations with the divine in prayer and even of consecration.

his time was the outcome of a lowered morality, not of a clearer spiritual vision."

The use of the convex lens, which is given as a great secret, in place of the concave speculum of the first edition, is not so clearly described as by Barbaro; the addition of the concave speculum is proposed for making the images larger and clearer, and also for making them erect, but no details are given.

He shows how the paper must be moved till it is brought into the focus of the lens, the use of a diaphragm to make the image clearer, and also the application of the method for drawing in true perspective.

The names Punjab, Doab, 'c., show the root in a clearer shape.

This is usually much clearer and more hyaline than the general cytoplasm.

Richard Strauss, in his edition of Berlioz's works on Instrumentation, paradoxically characterizes the classical orchestral style as that which was derived from chamber-music. Now it, is true that in Haydn's early days orchestras were small and generally private; and that the styles of orchestral and chamber music were not distinct; but surely nothing is clearer than that the whole history of the rise of classical chamber-music lies in its rapid differentiation from the coarse-grained orchestral style with which it began.

Everything seemed clearer, as though she had come out of a fog.

Things will be a bit clearer in the morning.


definite, prima facie, unmistakable, clarity, limpidity, perspicuous, lucidness, lucidity, trenchant, limpid, unsubtle, luculent, pellucid, comprehensible, lucid, crystal clear, clear-cut, vivid, broad, comprehendible, unambiguous, pellucidity, clearness, distinct,


unclear, indefinite, ambiguous, obscurity, unclearness, indistinct, incomprehensible,

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