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clears Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

clears ka kya matlab hota hai



साफ़ जाना,


निर्मल करना, शुद्ध करना, स्वच्छ होना, लांघना, हटाना, साफ़ करना, साफ़ जाना, खुलना,


अम्लान, सित, विशद, विशुद्ध, धवल, शुद्ध, निर्मल, साफ़-सुथरा, साफ़, स्पष्ट,


साफ़ साफ़,

clears's Usage Examples:

Occasionally, as among the Styrians, individuals acquire the habit of arsenic-eating, which is said to increase their weight, strength and appetite, and clears their complexion.

As the slag thus formed flows off to the sides of the scorifier, the assay clears and the melted metallic lead forms an "eye" in the middle.

The Homeric epithet 'ApyEtybO rqs, which the Greeks interpreted as "the slayer of Argus," inventing a myth to account for Argus, is explained as originally an epithet of the wind (apyEO-Tris), which clears away the mists (apyos, q5aivco).

The road at the outer end is made of a less slope than the chain, so that on arrival the tub is lowered, clears the pin, and so becomes detached from the chain.

The coulter is a knife or revolving disk which is fixed so that its point clears the point of the share.

The new view clears away some manifest difficulties in the reconciliation of the Epistle and the Acts, and the early date for Galatians in relation to the other Pauline epistles is not so improbable as it may seem; but the chronology still appears more satisfactory on the older view, which enables the conversion to be placed at least three years later than on the alternative theory.

He clears himself of the charge of plagiarizing from Plautus and Naevius.

THOMAS CHARLES (1755-1814), Welsh Nonconformist divine, was born of humble parentage at Longmoor, in the parish of Llanfihangel Abercywyn, near St Clears, Carmarthenshire, on the 14th of October 1755.

The magnesite (a) serves for the generation of carbon dioxide which clears the tube of air before the compound (mixed with fine copper oxide (b)) is burned, and afterwards sweeps the liberated nitrogen into the receiving vessel (e), which contains a strong potash solution; c is coarse copper oxide; and d a reduced copper gauze spiral, heated in order to decompose any nitrogen oxides.

They're inspecting today and we can't go forward until some bureaucrat clears us.


definite, prima facie, unmistakable, clarity, limpidity, perspicuous, lucidness, lucidity, trenchant, limpid, unsubtle, luculent, pellucid, comprehensible, lucid, crystal clear, clear-cut, vivid, broad, comprehendible, unambiguous, pellucidity, clearness, distinct,


unclear, indefinite, ambiguous, obscurity, unclearness, indistinct, incomprehensible,

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