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cheapest Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

cheapest ka kya matlab hota hai





ओछा, तुच्छ, मंदा, निकम्मा, सुलभ, वारा, अल्पमूल्य, सस्ता,


थोड़े दम पर, सस्ते दम पर,

cheapest शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

यह कहते हुए उन्हें ऐसा महसूस हुआ कि ग्रीन डे का DVD प्रचार का एक हथकंडा है, उन्होंने कहा, "मैंने बस सोचा यह सचमुच ओछापन था।

अश्लीलता- असभ्यता, बेहूदगी, भद्दापन, गँवारपन, अशिष्टता, बेशर्मी, अभद्रता, फूहड़पन, ओछापन, कमीनापन।

अश्लील- अशिष्ट, ग्राम्य, बेशर्म, गंदा, अभद्र, कुत्सित, फूहड़, लज्जास्पद, लज्जाकर, लज्जाप्रद, बुरा, अपकीर्तिकर, खराब, शर्मनाक, असंस्कृत, गँवारू, भद्दा, देहाती, ओछा, कमीना, असभ्य, अविनीत, अयोग्य, अनुचित, लचर।

इसमें लचीलापन, उच्च तन्यबल, चिमड़ापन, उच्च चमक, एकरूपता, सस्तापन, तेल और तनु अम्लों के प्रति प्रतिरोध आदि कुछ अच्छे गुण होते हैं।

(१०) सस्तापन आदि गुण भी उसमें होने चाहिए।

थुरियो - मिलान शहर का एक अमीर और थोडा ओछा व्यक्ति I।

नाटकीय व्यक्तित्व विकार (DSM-IV code 301.50) : अत्यधिक ध्यान आकर्षित करने वाला व्यवहार जिसमे अनुचित यौन सम्मोहन और ओछा या अतिरंजित व्यवहार भी सम्मिलित होता है।

टिकाऊपन, पुष्टता, सौंदर्य, अग्नि के प्रति सहनशीलता, सस्तापन इत्यादि ऐसे गुण हैं जिनके कारण भवननिर्माण में कंक्रीट अधिकाधिक लोकप्रिय होता जा रहा है और इनके कारण भवननिर्माण में प्रयुक्त होनेवाले पहले के कई अन्य पदार्थ हटते जा रहे हैं।

लिथो छपाई का आरंभ पत्थर से छापने के रूप में हुआ और आज भी उसका महत्व कम नहीं हुआ है, परंतु फ़ोटोग्रॉफसेट को, जो छपाई का परोक्ष प्रक्रम है और जिसमें शीघ्रता, सस्तापन और यथार्थता के लिए छपाई के काम में प्रकाशयांत्रिक (photomechanical) विधियों का उपयोग होता है, त्यागा नहीं जा सकता।

विलायकों का प्रयोग बहुत कुछ उनके रंग, गंध विषालुती, वाष्पन गति, सस्तापन आदि पर निर्भर करता है।

cheapest's Usage Examples:

This is the cheapest of the three caving systems, but is applicable only when the deposit lies between walls of very solid rock, as otherwise wall rock is liable to cave with and become mixed with ore, which adds greatly to the expense of handling.

Half Europe was full of waverers between Protestantism and Catholicism tolerably certain to decide for the Church that offered them the cheapest terms of salvation; and even in wholly Catholic countries many, especially of the upper class, might easily be scared away from the confessional by severity.

While the risk of loss of capital is not to be avoided, it is of the utmost importance to limit the amount of money expended while the extent and value of the deposit are still uncertain and to do the necessary work by the cheapest methods consistent with thoroughness.

Sturgeon were once the cheapest fish after salmon; to-day, despite all efforts to increase the supply, they are the dearest.

Nitzsch's name was subsequently dismissed by Cuvier without a word of praise, and in terms which would have been applicable to many another and inferior author, while Temminck, terming Naumann's work an " ouvrage de luxe "-it being in truth one of the cheapest for its contents ever published-effectually shut it out from the realms of science.

The original object - the supply of the cattle markets of Smithfield and other places with the cheapest and best meat - is still kept strictly in view.

For many years the price of benzol has been falling, owing to the large quantities produced in meat arlch by the coke ovens, and at its present price it is by far the volatile cheapest enriching material that can be obtained.

To buy in the cheapest market and sell in the dearest; to secure cheapness by lowering the expenses of production; to adopt the less expensive rather than the more expensive method of obtaining a given result - these and other maxims are as old as human society.

The quickest and cheapest method is by surface explorations.

There was valet parking for residents and visitors, and her car was – by far – the oldest and cheapest among those in the drive.


cut-rate, bargain-priced, dirt cheap, cut-price, catchpenny, sixpenny, nickel-and-dime, low-priced, tuppeny, inexpensive, twopenny-halfpenny, affordable, threepenny, two-a-penny, low-cost, low-budget, twopenny,


ashamed, sincere, important, unsized, expensive,

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