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cheapness Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

cheapness ka kya matlab hota hai




cheapness शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

(१०) सस्तापन आदि गुण भी उसमें होने चाहिए।

इसमें लचीलापन, उच्च तन्यबल, चिमड़ापन, उच्च चमक, एकरूपता, सस्तापन, तेल और तनु अम्लों के प्रति प्रतिरोध आदि कुछ अच्छे गुण होते हैं।

জজজ विलायकों का प्रयोग बहुत कुछ उनके रंग, गंध विषालुती, वाष्पन गति, सस्तापन आदि पर निर्भर करता है।

लिथो छपाई का आरंभ पत्थर से छापने के रूप में हुआ और आज भी उसका महत्व कम नहीं हुआ है, परंतु फ़ोटोग्रॉफसेट को, जो छपाई का परोक्ष प्रक्रम है और जिसमें शीघ्रता, सस्तापन और यथार्थता के लिए छपाई के काम में प्रकाशयांत्रिक (photomechanical) विधियों का उपयोग होता है, त्यागा नहीं जा सकता।

टिकाऊपन, पुष्टता, सौंदर्य, अग्नि के प्रति सहनशीलता, सस्तापन इत्यादि ऐसे गुण हैं जिनके कारण भवननिर्माण में कंक्रीट अधिकाधिक लोकप्रिय होता जा रहा है और इनके कारण भवननिर्माण में प्रयुक्त होनेवाले पहले के कई अन्य पदार्थ हटते जा रहे हैं।

cheapness's Usage Examples:

At the present day they vie with precious gems and gold as ornaments and garniture for wealth and fashion; but by their abundance, and the cheapness of some varieties, they have recently come within the reach of men of moderate incomes.

The oil is obtained from the seeds by two principal methods - expression and decoction - the latter process being largely used in India, where the oil, on account of its cheapness and abundance is extensively employed for illuminating as well as for other domestic and medicinal purposes.

These are only a few of the moths from which silks of various usefulness can be produced; but none of these presents qualities, saving perhaps cheapness alone, which can put them in competition with common silk.

This growth in cotton manufactures is due to various causes, among them being_ the proximity of raw material, convenient water-power, municipal exemption from taxation and the cheapness of labour.

The merit of the simple suspension bridge is its cheapness, and its defect is its flexibility: This last becomes less serious as the dead weight of the structure becomes large in proportion to the live or temporary load.

The advantages claimed for it were its cheapness, smallness and portability; that there was no appreciable distortion, and that its field was much larger than that of the camera obscura.

Standing in the centre of a great coal-bearing basin, Sydney is naturally the seat of numerous manufactures, to the prosperity of which the abundance and cheapness of coal has been highly conducive.

Before the earthquake wood had been employed to a large extent, partly because of the accessibility, cheapness and general excellence of redwood, but also because of the belief that it was better suited to withstand earthquake shocks.

- The cultivation of sugar was first introduced in the middle of the 17th century, and owing to the cheapness of labour, the extreme fertility of the soil and the care bestowed on its cultivation, became the staple product of the island.

To buy in the cheapest market and sell in the dearest; to secure cheapness by lowering the expenses of production; to adopt the less expensive rather than the more expensive method of obtaining a given result - these and other maxims are as old as human society.


cut price, cut rate, bargain rate, inexpensiveness,


preciousness, costliness, sumptuousness, sumptuosity, expensiveness,

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