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centauri Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

centauri ka kya matlab hota hai


दक्षिणी गोलार्ध में दक्षिणी गोलार्ध में एक विशिष्ट नक्षत्र

centauri शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

संसाधन विकास विकास (लघु अवधि के लिए आरडीए) एक बहुमूल्य खनिज - अनॉबेटियम - पेंडोरा पर, एक घनी जंगली वन्यजीव चंद्रमा, अल्फा सेंटौरी स्टार सिस्टम में विशाल वायुग्रह पोलीफीमस की परिक्रमा करता है।


centauri's Usage Examples:

Omega Centauri makes an almost equilateral triangle with these two stars on their western side.

Thomas Henderson (1798-1844) had indeed measured the larger displacements of a Centauri at the Cape in 1832-1833, but delayed until 1839 to publish his result.

Several estimates have been made which agree well together; whether direct use is made of known parallaxes, or comparison is made with binaries of well-determined orbits of the same spectral type as the sun, in which therefore it may be assumed there is the same relation between mass and brilliancy (Gore), the result is found that the sun's magnitude is - 26.5, or the sun is Io n times as brilliant as a first magnitude star; it would follow that the sun viewed from a Centauri would appear as of magnitude 0.7, and from a star of average distance which has a parallax certainly less than o 1 ", it would be at least fainter than the fifth magnitude, or, say, upon the border-line for naked-eye visibility.

Thesun's nearest neighbour is a Centauri, which is separated from it by 270,000 times the earth's distance, a space which it would take light four years to traverse.

Gellius and Ausonius state that he composed an Erotopaegnia, and in other sources he is credited with Adonis, Alcestis, Centauri, Helena, Ino, Protesilaudamia, Sirenocirca, Phoenix, which may, however, be only the parts of the Erotopaegnia.

For one or two of the more famous stars such as a Centauri the probable error is less than so oi"; but for others in the list it ranges up to X0.05".

Henderson at the Cape of Good Hope measured the parallax of a Centauri, but his resulting value 1" was considerably too high.

These clusters present many unsolved problems. Thus Perrine, from an examination of ten globular clusters (including Messier 13 and Centauri), has found in each case that the stars can be separated into two classes of magnitudes.

The Hercules cluster is of this form; another example is Centauri, in which over 6000 stars have been counted, comprised within a circle of about 40' diameter.

The present writer has successfully used a similar plan in measuring position angles of a Centauri with the heliometer, viz.

centauri's Meaning':

a conspicuous constellation in the southern hemisphere near the Southern Cross

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