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aureola Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

aureola ka kya matlab hota hai


aureola's Usage Examples:

Arctotis Aureola - of shrubby habit, 1 to 2 feet in height, with handsome orange flowers towards the end of the branches.

for "breath" or "breeze"), a term used in old days to denote a supposed ethereal emanation from a volatile substance; applied later to the "electrical aura," or air-current caused by electrical discharge; in epilepsy to one of its premonitory symptoms; and in spiritualism to a mysterious light associated with the presence of spirit-forms. See also Aureola.

AUREOLA, AUREOLE (diminutive of Lat.

The aureola, when enveloping the whole body, is generally oval or elliptical in form, but is occasionally circular or quatrefoil.

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