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auricula Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

auricula ka kya matlab hota hai


येलो-फ्लावर प्राइमरोज देशी आल्प्स के लिए; आमतौर पर खेती की जाती है


आरिकुला, एक प्रकार का फूल जिसकी पत्तियॉ रीछ के कान जैसी होती है,

auricula's Usage Examples:

When the peduncle proceeds from radical leaves, that is, from an axis which is so shortened as to bring the leaves close together in the form of a cluster, as in the primrose, auricula or hyacinth, it is termed a scape.

- Haliclystus auricula.

Sow in the second and the last week, on a warm border of a light sandy soil, with an east aspect, any free-flowering hardy annuals as Silene pendula, Nemophila, 'c., for planting in spring; and auricula and primula seeds in pots and boxes.

Calendar (Great Britain)] Repot auriculas, and sow auricula seed in boxes under glass.

Auricula is confined to the East Indies and Peru.


the nautiloid shell In Planorbis and in Auricula (Pulmonata, formed on the larva allied to Limnaeus) the olfactory organ is being cast, and a new on the left side and receives its nerve from shell of a different form the left visceral:ganglion.

similar phenomenon is seen in two r widely separated genera of flowering plants: Primula Auricula and Gunnera (Halorageae).

Chlamys; anterior auricula the larger and with a byssal sinus; British.

Prasinidae.-Shell inequilateral, with anterior umbones and prominent anterior auricula; cardinal border arched..

auricula's Meaning':

yellow-flowered primrose native to Alps; commonly cultivated


auricular appendix, atrium of the heart, pouch, auricular appendage, pocket, atrium cordis,



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