attila Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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नोर्स गाथाओं में अटिला की प्रमुख भूमिका है।
लगभग सारे पश्चिमी यूरोप में इसे क्रूरता और लोभ के परम उदाहरण के रूप में याद किया जाता है, लेकिन कुछ ऐतिहासिक विवरणों और कहानियों में अटिला को महान सम्राट के रूप में दर्शाया गया है।
attila's Usage Examples:
After the death of Attila in 453 the power of the Huns soon collapsed, but the political divisions of Germany in the ensuing period are far from clear.
This view is maintained by Richard von Muth in his Einleitung in das Nibelungenlied (Paderborn, 1877), who thus sums up the result of his critical researches: "The basis of all is an old myth of a beneficent divine being (Siegfried), who conquers daemonic powers (the Nibelungen), but is slain by them (the Burgundians turned Nibelungen); with this myth was connected the destruction of the Burgundian kingdom, ascribed to Attila, between 437 and 453, and later the legend of Attila's murder by his wife; in this form, after Attila and Theodoric had been associated in it, the legend penetrated, between 555 and 583, to the North, where its second part was developed in detail on the analogy of older sagas, while in Germany a complete change of the old motif took place."
Saxo Poeta and the Quedlinburg chronicle) it was her father whom she revenged; but when the treacherous overthrow of the Burgundians by Attila had become a theme for epic poets, she figured as a Burgundian princess, and her act as done in revenge for her brothers.
Its bishopric was removed to Salona, in 441, when Attila appeared, and thenceforward the city declined.
It was destroyed by Attila in A.D.
Even the iron rule of Attila was preferable to the time of anarchy that succeeded it.
He takes refuge in Hungary with Etzel (Attila), by whose aid he finally recovers his kingdom.
The 4th century found Mutina in a state of decay; the ravages of Attila and the troubles of the Lombard period left it a ruined city in a wasted land.
Marcian repudiated the payment of tribute to Attila; he reformed the finances, checked extravagance, and repeopled the devastated districts.
Their empire, however, speedily broke up after the death of their king Attila in 453.
Scourge of God, Scourge of the Gods, Attila the Hun,