atrocities Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
atrocities ka kya matlab hota hai
अति पाप, उद्दंडता, अतिदुष्ट व्यवहार, नृशंसता, क्रूरता,
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atrocities शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
सामने तू अपनी उद्दंडता दिखाना छोड दे वरना तुझे मेरे भी क्रोध का सामना करना पडेगा”।
इस उद्दंडता के लिए पिता ने उनकी जम कर पिटाई की थी।
জজজग्रीक सुखांत नाटक का उदय भी दियोनिसस देवता की पूजा से ही हुआ, परंतु इस पूजा का आयोजन जाड़े में न होकर वसंत में होता था और पुजारियों का जुलूस वैसे ही उद्दंडता तथा अश्लीलता का प्रदर्शन करता था जैसा भारत में होली के अवसर पर प्राय: देखने में आता है।
शिष्टाचार उद्दंडता और दासभाव के बीच की अवस्था है।
सं. 1246 में दुआबे के हिंदू जमींदारों की उद्दंडता का दमन किया।
भेड़िया बेहद बुद्धिमान, व्यावहार कुशल एवं मानवीय गुणों से परिपूर्ण है तो कोबी अपनी पशु बुद्धि, उद्दंडता, आक्रामक और गुस्सैल स्वभाव के कारण कुख्यात है।
atrocities's Usage Examples:
His army and the lazzaroni committed nameless atrocities, which he honestly tried to prevent, and the Parthenopaean Republic collapsed.
So too, in his English in Ireland (1872-1874), which was written to show the futility of attempts to conciliate the Irish, he aggravates all that can be said against the Irish, touches too lightly on English atrocities,and writes unjustly of the influence of Roman Catholicism.
In August the Spaniards took Prato by storm and committed hideous atrocities on the inhabitants; Florence was in a panic, a group of the Ottimati, or nobles, forced Soderini to resign and leave the city, and Cardona's new terms were accepted, viz.
His companions committed atrocities which brought upon them terrible reprisals on the part of the .4?'?i FIG.
The Tell story and the "atrocities" story are first found combined in a MS. known as the White Book of Sarnen.
This force was largely composed of Armenians and other Christian volunteers, calling themselves" the army of revenge,"and the atrocities committed by them in the destruction of Rawanduz upon Kurds who had till then known nothing of them were in every way equal to anything attributed to Kurds in former massacres of Armenians.
When the "Armenian atrocities" became a burning question in the country in 1896, and Mr Gladstone himself emerged from his retirement to advocate intervention, Lord Rosebery's difficulties had taken their final form.
In June 1649, arrayed in cloth-of-gold and mounted on a white charger, Chmielnicki made his triumphal entry into Kiev, where he was hailed as the Maccabaeus of the Orthodox faith, and permitted the committal of unspeakable atrocities on the Jews and Roman Catholics.
The story of the Bulgarian atrocities was published in Great Britain in the summer of 1876.
The late atrocities had made confidence or goodwill between parties impossible.
heinousness, atrociousness, barbarousness, inhumanity, inhumaneness, barbarity,
mercy, inhumane, humaneness,