ampere Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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ampere शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:
জজজ बिजली एक 36 एम्पेयर-घंटे वाली लिथियम आयन बैटरी में संग्रहित होगी।
ampere's Usage Examples:
Weber, which was found capable of explaining all the phenomena investigated by Ampere as well as the induction currents of Faraday.
Neumann in 1845 did for electromagnetic induction what Ampere did for electrodynamics, basing his researches upon the experimental laws of Lenz.
Ampere floated a voltaic battery with a coil of wire in its circuit in order to observe the effects of the earth's magnetism on the electric circuit.
With a supply pressure of 200 volts a 5 c.p. carbon filament lamp takes only 0.1 ampere; hence unless a meter will begin to register with 1 1 - 6 - ampere it will fail to record the current consumed by a single small incandescent lamp. In a large supply system such failure would mean a serious loss of revenue.
From about 1796 Ampere gave private lessons at Lyons in mathematics, chemistry and languages; and in 1801 he removed to Bourg, as professor of physics and chemistry, leaving his ailing wife and infant son at Lyons.
The yield of copper per ampere (in round numbers, t oz.
So accurate and convenient is this determination that it is now used conversely as a practical definition of the ampere, which (defined theoretically in terms of magnetic force) is defined practically as the current which in one second deposits i '18 milligramme of silver.
- Instruments of the third class depend for their action on the fact discovered by Ampere, that mechanical forces exist between conductors carrying electric currents when those conductors occupy certain relative positions.
being here - in a part of the city known as "Ampere") and pharmaceutical materials.
A continuous electric current of one ampere is defined to be one which deposits electrolytically 0.001118 of a gramme of silver per second from a neutral solution of silver nitrate.'
mA, A, abampere, abamp, milliampere, current unit, amp,