amphibia Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)
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ऐसा जीव जो भूमि और पानी दोनों पर रहता हो, जैसे मेढक इत्यादि, स्थल-जल-चर,
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amphibia's Usage Examples:
Latreille,2 rightly estimating the value of these differences, though he was not an original worker in the field of vertebrate zoology, proposed to separate Brongniart's Batrachia from the class of Reptilia proper, as a group of equal value, for which he retained the Linnaean name of Amphibia.
In the Tableau Elementaire, published in 1795, Cuvier adopts Linnaeus's term in its earlier sense, but uses the French word "Reptiles," already brought into use by Brisson, as the equivalent of Amphibia.
AMPHIBIA, a zoological term originally employed by Linnaeus to denote a class of the Animal Kingdom comprising crocodiles, lizards and salamanders, snakes and Caeciliae, tortoises and turtles and frogs; to which, in the later editions of the Systema N aturae he added some groups of fishes.
Starting from the basis " that the phrase `birds are greatly modified reptiles' would hardly be an exaggerated expression of the closeness " of the resemblance between the two classes, which he had previously brigaded under the name of Sauropsida (as he had brigaded the Pisces and Amphibia as Ichthyopsida), he drew in bold outline both their likenesses and their differences, and then proceeded to inquire how the A y es could be most appropriately subdivided into orders, suborders and families.
13), consisting of the sacrum (already described) and the pelvic arch, namely ilium, ischium and pubis, it follows that only birds and mammals possess a pelvis proper, whilst such is entirely absent in the Amphibia and in reptiles with the exception of some of the Dinosaurs.
Oxyuris, though chiefly parasitic in the Mammalia, occurs also in reptiles, Amphibia and one or two insects.
The Dipnoi show a distinct transition between fishes and amphibia.
This interesting animal, though a member of the Amphibia, is terrestrial and viviparous.
Sir Richard Owen, in his work on The Anatomy of Vertebrates, followed Latreille in dividing the Vertebrata into Haematotherma and Haematocrya, and adopted Leuckart's term of Dipnoa for the Amphibia.
The Amphibia, to which the sea is a barrier, are almost exclusively of Australian affinities.
Labyrinthodontia, order Salientia, genus Ichthyostega, amphibian, polliwog, class, genus Hynerpeton, Craniata, Vertebrata, order Caudata, Stegocephalia, order Urodella, Hynerpeton, superorder Labyrinthodonta, Labyrinthodonta, class Amphibia, order Stegocephalia, Urodella, Anura, Caudata, Gymnophiona, order Batrachia, Batrachia, order Anura, subphylum Vertebrata, tadpole, pollywog, order Gymnophiona, Salientia, subphylum Craniata, superorder Labyrinthodontia,