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almshouses Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

almshouses ka kya matlab hota hai


almshouses शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

भिक्षाटन मूर्ति चार भुजाओं वाले एक निर्वस्त्र (नग्न) मनुष्य की मूर्ति है, जो आभूषणों से सुसज्जित है और हाथ में भिक्षा-पात्र धारण किये हुए है।

बांग्लादेश क्रिकेट टीम के श्रीलंका दौरे भिक्षाटन का शाब्दिक अर्थ है- 'भिक्षा मांगने के लिये द्वार-द्वार जाना'।

| भिक्षाटन काव्य || शिवदास।

) भिक्षाटन मूर्ति , शिव का एक रूप है।

वे समीपर्वती गाँवों में तथा मथुरा भी भिक्षाटन हेतु जाते थे।

विद्यार्थी के लिए भिक्षाटन अनिवार्य कृत्य था।


सूत्रों के अनुसार यह झील उत्तर-कुरु में है; क्योंकि उत्तरकुरु में बोधिसत्त्व और बौद्ध भिक्षु लोग भिक्षाटन कर, अनोतत्त दह में विश्राम करते थे।

दूसरे फलक पर रावण का भिक्षाटन और सीता हरण के दृश्य है।

यहां पर नटराज, मंगल (अंगारक), जटायू, सोमस्कन्दर, सिंगारवेलर और भिक्षाटनर की भी कांसे की प्रतिमा है।

इससे दो लाभ थे; एक तो गृहस्थ आचार्यों को सामग्री एकत्रित करने में सुविधा थी, दूसरे ब्रह्मचारियों को भिक्षाटन में अधिक भटकना नहीं पड़ता था।

नाथपन्थी भजन गाते हुए घूमते हैं और भिक्षाटन कर जीवन यापन करते हैं।

25. चारिका : चारिका का सामान्य अर्थ है - विचरण करना अथवा चलना किन्तु यहां इसका अर्थ है - भगवान् बुद्ध का भिक्षु मण्डलियों के साथ एक स्थान से दूसरे स्थान तक भिक्षाटन एवं धर्मोपदेश करते हुए धीरे-धीरे आगे जाना ।

almshouses's Usage Examples:

Finally, many private charitable corporations (about 500 in 1905) report to the state board of charity, and town and city almshouses (205 in 1904) are subject to visitation.

A board of state charities and corrections, established in 1869, supervises and controls all of the penal, charitable and correctional institutions of the state at large and also the local almshouses.

The charities include Guy's almshouses, endowed in 1678 by Thomas Guy, founder of Guy's Hospital, London.

His powers of organization were strongly exhibited in the Pastors' College, the Orphanage (at Stockwell), the Tabernacle Almshouses, the Colportage Association for selling religious books, and the gratuitous book fund which grew up under his care.

at The Hague, and almshouses founded by Sir William Sevenoke in connexion with his school.

The Crossley almshouses were erected and endowed by Sir Francis and Mr Joseph Crossley, who also endowed the Crossley orphan home and school.

Allhallows Grammar School, founded in 1614, was enlarged in 1893; St Margaret's hospital, founded as a lazar-house in the 14th century, is converted into almshouses.

The law considers as charitable institutions (opere pie) all poorhouses, almshouses and institutes which partly or wholly give help to able-bodied or infirm paupers, or seek to improve their moral and economic condition; and also the Congregazioni di caritd (municipal charity boards existing in every commune, and composed of ~embers elected by the municipal council), which administer funds destined for the poor in general.

Between 1881 and 1898 the chief increases took place in the endowments of hospitals; orphan asylums; infant asylums; poorhouses; almshouses; voluntary workhouses; and institutes for the blind.

The almshouses, known as St John's hospital, were founded in 1602; and in 1637 a free grammar school was endowed by Lady Grace Manners.

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