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albs Meaning in Hindi (शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ)

albs ka kya matlab hota hai


आस्तीन के साथ एक सफेद लिनन liturgical verestment; पुजारी द्वारा पहना जाता है


जुब्बा, सफेद जामा,

albs शब्द के हिंदी अर्थ का उदाहरण:

चित्र जोड़ें जुब्बा नदी अफ्रीका महाद्वीप की सोमालिया की एक प्रमुख नदी हैं।

स्वतंत्रता सेनानी: जुब्बा साहनी।

मुहम्मद का जुब्बा मुबारक है, जिसके बारे में कहा जाता है कि उसके पास बुखारा, रूस से काजी हमीदुद्दीन नागौरी द्वारा लाए गए पवित्र अवशेष हैं।


उनके नाम पर मुजफ्फरपुर शहर में जुब्बा साहनी खेल स्टेडियम तथा पार्क बना है जो दर्शनीय है।

पारिस्थितिकी जुब्बा साहनी का जन्म १९०६ में बिहार के मुजफ्फरपुर जिला के मीनापुर थाने के अंतर्गत चैनपुर बस्ती के अत्यंत निर्धन परिवार में हुआ था।

जुब्बा साहनी पार्क: भारत छोड़ो आन्दोलन के दौरान जुब्बा साहनी ने १६ अगस्त १९४२ को मीनापुर थाने के इंचार्ज लियो वालर को आग में जिंदा झोंक दिया था।

भारत छोड़ो आन्दोलन के दौरान जुब्बा साहनी ने १६ अगस्त १९४२ को मीनापुर थाने के अंग्रेज इंचार्ज लियो वालर को आग में जिंदा झोंक दिया था।

खुदीराम बोस, जुब्बा साहनी तथा पण्डित सहदेव झा जैसे अनेक क्रांतिकारियों की यह कर्मभूमि रही है।

यह गांव में कई पुरवा में बटा हुआ है जैसे शुकुलपुर, छोटी अरवांसी, बड़ी अरवांसी, जुब्बा का पूरा, रानी का तालाब, चमरौटी और दक्खिन।

albs's Usage Examples:

The alb is supposed to be symbolical of purity, and the priest, when putting it on, prays: "Make me white and purify my heart, 0 Lord," 'c. In the middle ages the parures, which originally had no mystic intention whatever, were taken to symbolize the wounds of Christ; whence probably is derived the custom surviving at the cathedral of Toledo, of the singers of the Passion on Good Friday being vested in apparelled albs.

Its use was furiously assailed by the extremer Reformers but, in spite of their efforts, was retained by Elizabeth's Act of Uniformity, and enforced by the advertisements and injunctions issued under her authority, which ordered the "massing vestments" - chasubles, albs, stoles and the like - to be destroyed.

A good example of the camisia of the 12th century is the rochet of Thomas Becket, preserved at Dammartin in the Pas de Calais, the only surviving medieval example remarkable for the pleating which, as was the case with albs also, gave greater breadth and more elaborate folds.

a white alb plain with a vestment or cope," while the assisting priests or deacons are to wear "albs with tunicles."

Silk albs appear in the inventories, but only very exceptionally.

In the medieval inventories are sometimes found albae, described as red, blue or black; which has led to the belief that albs were sometimes not only made of stuffs other than linen, but were coloured.

uses and not modelled on that of modern Rome, these albs are frequently apparelled.

At the present time, so far as the Roman Catholic Church is concerned, apparelled albs are only in regular use at Milan (Ambrosian Rite), and, partially, in certain churches in Spain.

These "apparelled albs" (albae paratae) continued in general use in the Western Church till the 16th century, when a tendency to dispense with the parures began, Rome itself setting the example.

Albs were originally quite plain, but about the 10th century the custom arose of ornamenting the borders and the cuffs of the sleeves with strips of embroidery, and this became common in the 12th century.

albs's Meaning':

a white linen liturgical vestment with sleeves; worn by priests

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