हैंग ग्लाइडर Meaning in English
हैंग ग्लाइडर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hang Glider
, hang glider
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फांसी geranium
हैंग-ग्लाइडर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Nanolights are popular with hang glider pilots who use them to get flying time, without the logistical problems attendant with finding a suitable hill and risking not finding a thermal after launch.
In Japan, a man, later revealed to be Koga, breaks into a museum and steals a sword before escaping via hang glider.
Early hang glider designs did not reliably achieve safe flight, their builders lacking a comprehensive understanding of the underlying principles of flight.
Soon after, the children come up with a plan and escape Koga's fortress on hang gliders, arriving at the cave underneath a castle shortly after the adults.
Later that year Pilcher met and consulted with Otto Lilienthal, who was the leading expert in gliding; these discussions led to Pilcher building two more hang gliders, The Beetle and The Gull.
La Mouette Profil, a French hang glider design.
The artist Jan Lavezzari, who had originally studied engineering, tested a double lateen sail hang glider from the Merlimont sand dunes in February 1904.
Many of these gliders flown in 1920 were hang gliders in that they were controlled by the pilot's weight shift alone.
The wing's simplicity of design and ease of construction, in combination with its slow flight characteristics, did not go unnoticed by hang glider enthusiasts; Rogallo's flexible wing airfoil was soon adapted by John Wallace Dickenson in 1963, to the purpose of recreational flight, launching a hang glider renaissance.
He uses the dead bat like a hang glider to storm the lair and starts flooding sections of the cave, the diversion helping his escape out the back with Kala.
Ikarus Grasshopper, a German hang glider design.