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हंजर Meaning in English

हंजर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : hunger
, hanjar

हंजर हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

हिदान (914), हंजरा (1,176), हीर (584), जोहिया (1,721), जूटा (544), कलसन (533), कालोका (638), कानवन (678), खरल (1,792), खिची (581), खोखर (8,666), कुधन (1,045), लक (1,319), लाली (1,640), लाना (1,001), माहरा (597), महुं (1,471), मराल (826), मारू (956), Nauls (2,136)।

"" हिदान (914), हंजरा (1,176), हीर (584), जोहिया (1,721), जूटा (544), कलसन (533), कालोका (638), कानवन (678), खरल (1,792), खिची (581), खोखर (8,666), कुधन (1,045), लक (1,319), लाली (1,640), लाना (1,001), माहरा (597), महुं (1,471), मराल (826), मारू (956), Nauls (2,136)।

हंजर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

He alone who is free from hunger, thirst, senility, disease, birth, death, fear, pride, attachment, aversion, infatuation, worry, conceit, hatred, uneasiness, sweat, sleep and surprise is called a God.

Shree Narayandas, followed in the foot steps of Shree Jankidasji Maharaj, by constantly did work to alleviate hunger.

Jaufre comes across a hunger-stricken old lady sitting under a pine tree, who tries to bar Jaufre’s way, but he passes anyway.

Following the assassination of his chief defense lawyer, Khamis al-Obeidi, Saddam began a hunger strike, protesting against the lack of international protection for lawyers.

On 23 June 2006, it was reported that Saddam ended his hunger strike, having missed one meal.

To ensure that Akujiki's hunger remains sated, Hotsuma can kill four or more enemies with no more than a few seconds between each kill to perform an exaggeratedly violent "TATE" attack that will release more souls for Akujiki.

People from Wallington, New Jersey Share Our Strength is a national organization working to end childhood hunger and poverty in the United States.

Share Our Strength holds culinary events, solicits individual donations, and uses social media to raise funds, which are then used to fund long-term solutions to the hunger problem.

2004: On Share Our Strength's 20th anniversary, the mission was changed to focus directly on ending child hunger.

2007: Share Our Strength partnered with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to address childhood hunger and obesity.

Feeding America, the nation's largest domestic hunger relief organization, solicits food and grocery products from national suppliers for distribution through more than 200 certified Food Banks nationally.

Feeding America also provides Food Banks with operational standards, training, support and inspection, and educates the public and government officials about the nature and solutions to the problem of hunger in the U.

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