हिस्टोरिओग्राफ़ी Meaning in English
हिस्टोरिओग्राफ़ी शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : historiography
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इतिहास विभाग
मैं इतिहास
नवाबों का इतिहास
कागज़ का इतिहास
सामाजिक मानव विज्ञान का इतिहास
शब्दों का इतिहास,मतलब
चटाक से मारना
प्रहार करना
मारा जाना
मारा मारना
हिस्टोरिओग्राफ़ी हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""ऍन इंडियन हिस्टोरिओग्राफ़ी ऑफ़ इंडिया : अ निनटींथ सेंचुरी एजेंडा ' इतस इम्प्लिकेशन्स. कलकत्ता : के.पी. बागची ' कंपनी. १९८८.।
हिस्टोरिओग्राफ़ी इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Historian Jean Bethke Elshtain traces the historiography of realism:.
It is known in historiography as the Republic of Ragusa.
He was a great admirer of authors such as José Ortega y Gasset, Wilhelm Dilthey, Benedetto Croce, Martin Heidegger, among other history writers who kept disagreement with former Mexican historiography, which was full of extremism and with a leaning towards new, unedited documents.
Primary sources and historiography .
Yet more than 1000 years after the beginning conquests of Rome, Aubert Miraeus and some chroniclers of Hainaut still evoke Bavay as the "Belgian Rome", or Roma Belgica in an apocryphal historiography compiled from other older sources.
The historiography of this subject matter is very short.
Volume three has an especially loose narrative structure, containing commentary on Marxist historiography, his positions on the ongoing fight with the Netherlands over Indonesia's independence, and reprints of sections of key documents related to the struggle.
State capitals in Nigeria Ras (Рас; Arsa), known in modern Serbian historiography as Stari Ras (Стари Рас, meaning Old Ras), is a medieval fortress located in the vicinity of former market-place of Staro Trgovište, some 11"nbsp;km west of modern day city of Novi Pazar in Serbia.
In historiography, Charles Oman believes that cavalry entirely dominated the battlefield of the Middle Ages, but others contend that the infantry continued to play the most vital role even through the early modern age.
Henry I and his son Otto I inherited their administrative qualities from their Carolingian ancestors and thus were able to field armies much larger than medieval military historiography believed was capable at that time.
During this period, he published Geschichtsschreiber der Osmanen und ihre Werke ("Historians of the Ottoman Empire"), which became the standard bibliographical review of Ottoman historiography and confirmed the reputation of Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität as a leading center for Near East studies.
Mentioned in the De Administrando Imperio (DAI) from the mid-10th century, Višeslav was a progenitor of the Serbian ruling family, known in historiography as the Vlastimirović dynasty.
According to the DAI, "baptized Serbia", known erroneously in historiography as Raška (Rascia), included the "inhabited cities" (kastra oikoumena) of Destinikon, Tzernabouskeï, Megyretous, Dresneïk, Lesnik and Salines, while the "small land" (chorion) of Bosna, part of Serbia, had the cities of Katera and Desnik.