हिस्टोरिक्स Meaning in English
हिस्टोरिक्स शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : history
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हिस्टोरिफाईइतिहास विभाग
मैं इतिहास
नवाबों का इतिहास
कागज़ का इतिहास
सामाजिक मानव विज्ञान का इतिहास
शब्दों का इतिहास,मतलब
चटाक से मारना
प्रहार करना
मारा जाना
मारा मारना
मारा मारा
मारा मारा फिरना
हिस्टोरिक्स इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Cultural history of India The Société entomologique de France, or French Entomological Society, is devoted to the study of insects.
Economists Richard Lipsey and Kenneth Carlaw suggest that there have only been 24 technologies in history that can be classified as true GPTs.
When Látigo died at age 23 on 16 March 1969 in Zulia State, in the second worst airplane crash in Venezuela's history, Chávez was saddened to the extent that he refused to go to school for two days.
Aside from his regular studies in college, Chávez also read history books and debated politics with fellow cadets.
The Capitals had the worst season ever recorded in the history of major professional hockey, and the third worst in the postwar era the following season, while the Scouts the following season would have the fifth worst record of the postwar era.
Bobby Orr won the scoring title for the second time, the only defenceman in the history of the NHL to accomplish this feat.
The schools were merged at the beginning of the 2016 school year and in order to ensure the students were acquainted with each other, a lesson on the history of both schools and icebreakers were conducted.
Sullivan is the most successful coach in CYMS 73 year history.
This was the largest the regiment had been in its history.
During much of the attack north, the regiment led the 1st Marine Division in the deepest attack in Marine Corps history.
Ray of Creation in history.
Following his military service he went on to the Ruhr University Bochum, which included a period abroad at the University of Oxford, where he studied political science and modern history.
The 15 years following the foundation of the Israeli national league in 1954 were the golden age in the club's history.