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हल्का करना Meaning in English

हल्का करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lighten

हल्का-करना हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

संसार के कर्मभार को हल्का करना इसके साधक सदस्यों के जीवन की चरम साधना है।

2004 में स्टारबक्स ने अपने कागज़ के नैपकिनों और कचरा भण्डारण थैलियों के आकार में कटौती करना और अपने ठोस अपशिष्ट को 816.5 मीट्रिक टन (1.8 मिलियन पौंड) तक हल्का करना शुरू कर दिया. 2008 में स्टारबक्स को अक्षय ऊर्जा की खरीदारी के लिए अमेरिकी पर्यावरण संरक्षण एजेंसी की शीर्ष 25 हरित शक्ति भागीदारों की सूची में पन्द्रहवां स्थान प्रदान किया गया.।

यदि साबुन का रंग कुछ हल्का करना हो, तो थोड़ा सोडियम हाइड्रोसल्फाइट डाल देते हैं।

"" यदि साबुन का रंग कुछ हल्का करना हो, तो थोड़ा सोडियम हाइड्रोसल्फाइट डाल देते हैं।

हल्का-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

The subjects in Cheyne´s books were of a medical, philosophical and mathematical nature, but certain metaphysical and religious issues of the day, combining Enlightenment objectives with ideas in mystical and radical Pietism, played an important part.

Guerini, Anita, Obesity and Depression in the Enlightenment, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, 2000.

On 17 March, the army reached Lake Ashangi, from their goal, and here, to further lighten their loads, the troops were put on half-rations.

Jainism does not teach the dependency on any supreme being for enlightenment.

The Tirthankara is a guide and teacher who points the way to enlightenment, but the struggle for enlightenment is one's own.

Jains believe that to attain enlightenment and ultimately liberation from all karmic bonding, one must practice the ethical principles not only in thought, but also in words (speech) and action.

The attainment of enlightenment and the one who exists in such a state, then those who have achieved such a state can be termed gods.

In this regard he shares significant common ground with other post-Enlightenment dissidents who were to emerge later from the same academic culture.

At a time when many Christians in the West were busily adapting the Enlightenment ideals of reason and progress to the Christian faith Froehlich called this effort into question.

The History Files Kingdoms of Eastern Europe – Croatia David Dale (1739"ndash;1806) was a leading Scottish industrialist, merchant and philanthropist during the Scottish Enlightenment period at the end of the 18th century.

On Commerce and the Enlightenment:[the slave trade]…is directly repugnant to the primary laws of nature…and that its continuance, in this enlightened age, is disgraceful to the nation and utterly inconsistant (sic) with the profession of Christians.

Closer to home, David Hume, Scotland’s famous philosopher of the liberal Enlightenment, took a rather less liberal view of things when he wrote that ‘there never was a polished society but of the white race, to which all others are naturally inferior’ and that ‘…there never was a civilised nation of any other complexion than white’.

Thus, 'ecofascist' and 'ecofascism', are used not to enlighten but to smear".

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