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सबसे हल्का Meaning in English

सबसे हल्का शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : lightest

सबसे-हल्का हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

बाली संस्कृति कलाम सेट एक विश्व का सबसे हल्का और लघु कृत्रिम उपग्रह है, जिसका नामांकरण भारतीय पूर्व राष्ट्रपति व वैज्ञानिक एपीजे अब्दुल कलाम के नाम पर किया गया है. यह विश्व का पहला ३ डी प्रिंटर से तैयार उपग्रह भी है।

यह आवर्त सारणी का सबसे पहला तत्व है जो सबसे हल्का भी है।

इसका परमाणु क्रमांक सबसे ज्यादा है लेकिन अब तक खोजे गए सभी तत्वों में यह सबसे हल्का है।

सबसे हल्का न्यूट्र्लिनो डार्क मैटर के लिए उत्तरदायी उम्मीदवार है।

"" इन कणों में इलेक्ट्रॉन सबसे हल्का है।

यह सबसे हल्का तत्व है (घनत्व 0.09 ग्राम प्रति लिटर)।

सबसे-हल्का इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

' Furthermore: ' [Henri] in his relations with the Communist Party and in his attitude to Socialism, resembles Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, and not Camus in the slightest'.

Collective punitive exercises were handed out for the slightest mistake and prisoner barracks were regularly raided.

One observer remarked, "The slightest curl of his lip or opening of that yawning chasm termed his mouth was of itself sufficient to convulse the audience.

Henderson entered the Brazil Open Lightweight Tournament, which had a weight limit of 176 pounds, the lightest Henderson would ever compete at.

Crespí wrote: "This is the port of Monterey without the slightest doubt.

He tends to spend most of his time as Cringer, sleeping, eating, and avoiding responsibility, as well as hiding at the slightest sign of trouble or danger.

The trotter type is the lightest Finnhorse.

On 17 January 1916, he was found guilty after a five-hour trial, but received the lightest possible sentence, a reprimand.

Hydrogen gas, being the lightest and most abundant gas in galaxies, is easily torn away from parent galaxies through gravitational forces.

Yet the slightest detectable difference in constitutive properties between the two species yields a thermodynamically recognized process of transfer with mixing, and a possibly considerable entropy change, namely the entropy of mixing.

Even the slightest departure from ideality, as assessed over a finite time, would extend to utter non-ideality, as assessed over a practically infinite time.

There are some loads, however, that are affected by even the slightest loss of power.

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