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हरी बत्ती Meaning in English

हरी बत्ती शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : green light

हरी-बत्ती हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

४५ अंश कोण पर पीली बत्तियाँ सतर्कता सूचक होती हैं तथा सीधी खड़ी अवस्था में हरी बत्ती 'अनुकूल' की द्योतक होती हैं।

5 नवंबर को, टूर्नामेंट को आगे बढ़ने के लिए हरी बत्ती दी गई, 26 नवंबर से 16 दिसंबर 2020 तक हंबनटोटा के एमआरआईसी स्टेडियम में सभी मैच खेले जाने वाले है।

फरवरी 2009 में भारत सरकार के मानवयुक्त अंतरिक्ष उड़ान कार्यक्रम के लिए 2016 में लांच करने के लिए हरी बत्ती दे दी।

"" पल्प फिक्शन पहली मीरामैक्स परियोजना थी जिसने डिज़नी के अधिग्रहण के बाद हरी बत्ती प्राप्त की, इसका बजट 8.5 मिलियन डॉलर का था।

हरी-बत्ती इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Faced with rising construction costs in 1982, FDOT officials told the North Dade Chamber of Commerce that the Gratigny Parkway would be built as a toll road; and in the following year, the construction project was given a green light.

Molly forces her way out of the RV to find Matt, but is sucked up by a green light.

The matter was resolved when the ARL gave Inglis the green light to play for Queensland Rugby League, because it allowed the QRL's submission that his first senior football was at Wavell High.

The Low Light remained tidal (later an additional red or green light signalled the state of the tide, and a spherical daymark was used during hours of daylight).

By night, it shows a red light when "on" and a green light when "off" (clear).

The green light is usually produced through the use of a blue spectacle lens, which produces green when lit from behind by the yellowish flame from a paraffin lamp.

By night, it shows a yellow light when "on" and a green light when "off".

When "on", they show a small red or white light, and when "off", they display a small green light and an illuminated 'C', 'S' or 'W', depending on their function.

Both display small red or green lights by night.

There are also semaphore and disc equivalents of the yellow light shunting signals; the small-arm semaphores being painted yellow with a black stripe and the discs either black or white with a yellow stripe; by night, they show small yellow lights when "on" and small green lights when "off".

However, he got the green light after a few games into the season.

The city of Berlin had given the green light to build Pankow station only that is connected to the Berlin S-Bahn on 7 November 1987.

The senior conductor supposedly saw a green light close to the station office, which would have meant "permission to depart".

हरी बत्ती Meaning in Other Sites