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हज़म करना Meaning in English

हज़म करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to digest

हज़म-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

purpurea is able to digest them.

Isomaltase helps amylase to digest alpha-limit dextrin to produce maltose.

The species complex also attacks young onion and tobacco plants, and displays a remarkable ability to digest oil.

However, their stomachs are able to digest some toxic plants that other primates cannot.

The construction drives away most of the koluf, and the people begin to starve; their adaptation to the environment has eliminated their ability to digest "normal" food.

These dimensions are similar to digest size magazines.

She is capable of projecting a strong acid which she uses to digest her food before consuming it, and, in one case, to infiltrate a house by melting the glass of a window.

However, for a different forager, the time it takes to digest the food after eating could be a more significant cost than the time and energy spent looking for food.

They mostly eat leaves, especially protein-rich young leaves and leaf buds, so a significant period of the day is spent resting to digest the cellulose.

Since leaves are difficult to digest and provide less energy than most foods, the mantled howler spends the majority of each day resting and sleeping.

Young leaves generally have less toxins as well as more nutrients than more mature leaves, and are also usually easier to digest.

In general, processes that break down structural barriers to digestion reduce resistant starch content, with greater reductions resulting from processing.

However, if these starch gels are then cooled, they can form starch crystals resistant to digestive enzymes (Type RS3 or retrograded resistant starch), such as those occurring in cooked and cooled cereals or potatoes (e.

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