निस्सारित करना Meaning in English
निस्सारित करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : to discharge
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
अनुशासित करनाहिम्मत तोड़ना
चर्चा करना
कुरूप बनाना
तिरस्कार करना
अप्रतिष्ठित करना
नापसंद करना
आज्ञा न मानना
नाराज़ करना
थोक में बेचना
विवाद करना
अयोग्य ठहराना
निस्सारित-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He retired from the Navy on 30 October 1947, after serving thirty-four years, being granted his war service rank of lieutenant prior to discharge.
First use of a resistance to discharge the grid condenser in a vacuum tube detector circuit may have been by Sewall Cabot in 1906.
Cabot wrote that he made a pencil mark to discharge the grid condenser, after finding that touching the grid terminal of the tube would cause the detector to resume operation after having stopped.
Because of Tengku Muhammad Ismail's young age, a three-member Regency Advisory Council was established to discharge his duties for him.
Upon reaching Mukallaf (13 years of age), the Islamic age of responsibility, and according to Syariah law and the constitution of Terengganu, Tuanku Muhammad Ismail became able to discharge his duties himself.
When he attempted to land an army on the Scottish Coast in 1639, she organised the defences, raised a cavalry troop, and "came forth with pistol which she vowed to discharge upon her son if he offered to come ashore.
His forearms still had the capacity to discharge coils out the wrist like previous.
The Tribunal concluded that it could not determine whether the Respondent has failed to discharge its obligations towards the Claimant without ruling on the legality of the acts of the United States of America – something the Tribunal was precluded from doing as the United States was not party to the case.
Thames Water has a licence to discharge sewage into the watercourse in storm conditions.
However, in June 2014 there were no extreme weather events which would allow the company to discharge untreated sewage.
The company also did not meet the conditions which would allow it to discharge treated sewage.
The Nearest Relative has the power to discharge the mentally disordered person from some sections of the Act.