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स्लीपवॉक Meaning in English

स्लीपवॉक शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sleepwalk

स्लीपवॉक हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

""2000 की शुरुआत में स्टूडियो में रहते हुए अपने तीसरे एलबम पर काम करते हुए नाइटविश को फिन्निश यूरोविजन साँग कन्टेस्ट में 'द स्लीपवॉकर' के लिए स्वीकृत किया गया।

'छोटे और बडे' - चोए और बडे दोनों भाई टॉमी के पालतू जानवर का अपहरण करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं, और वे हनी बनी डोगी के डे आउट में और खन्ना के स्लीपवॉकिंग एपिसोड में दिखाई देने वाले मुख्य खलनायक हैं।

'चोटे और बडे' - चोए और बडे दोनों भाई टॉमी के पालतू जानवर का अपहरण करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं, और वे हनी बनी डोगी के डे आउट में और खन्ना के स्लीपवॉकिंग एपिसोड में दिखाई देने वाले मुख्य खलनायक हैं।

स्लीपवॉक इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Parkhurst died on September 8, 1933, by sleepwalking off the porch roof in his Ventnor City, New Jersey, home.

She has a sleepwalking problem and while she was sleepwalking in Gao Gen's home, she baked very delicious cakes but when she woke up the next day she couldn't remember anything about baking cakes.

This book documents the different sleeping activities that some of the creatures join in on: Jo and Mo Redd-Joff participate in competitive sleep talking and a group “near Finnigan Fen” enjoys group sleepwalking.

The narrator then explores the latest news in the sports of sleeptalking and sleepwalking before returning to the previous standard of discussing various locations (such as the Zwieback Motel and the District of Dofft) and creatures (such as the Foona Lagoona Baboona and a Jedd.

Gordon's patients: Phillip, a habitual sleepwalker; Kincaid, a tough kid from the streets who is prone to violence; Jennifer, a hopeful television actress prone to cigarette burns; Will, who uses a wheelchair because of a prior suicide attempt; Taryn, a recovering drug addict; and Joey, the youngest, who is too traumatized to speak.

Each is in a sense a sleepwalker, living between vanishing and emerging ethical systems just as the somnambulist exists in a state between sleeping and waking.

As one reviewer noted, "His characters are sleepwalkers because their own lives are shaped by the forces of the nightmare reality in which they live.

The most common types are: physical effects, seer, hearer, psychographer, sensitive, incorporative (talkative), sleepwalking, healer and intuitive.

Theresa May, a strong supporter of the Parliament Act, said in a speech that "If we (parliament) do not act, we risk sleepwalking into a society in which crime can no longer be investigated and terrorists can plot their murderous schemes undisrupted.

When their ship pulls into a port for shore leave, they get drunk, and the boilerman sleepwalks, falls in the water, and drowns.

Namrata Joshi writing for the magazine Outlook wrote that the central romance between Khan and Kapoor was not believable and criticised the acting and script saying "all the actors just sleepwalk through their ill-sketched roles".

Chas begins sleepwalking and trashes the pub at night due to the stress of watching Robert being shot.

She is prone to sleepwalking and is attacked by Dracula, who gradually drains her of her blood until it eventually proves fatal.

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