स्लीपवॉकर Meaning in English
स्लीपवॉकर शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : sleepwalker
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नींद आंखों वाली
नींद लाने वाली
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बिना आस्तीन का
बिना आस्तीन का कवच
स्लीपवॉकर हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
""2000 की शुरुआत में स्टूडियो में रहते हुए अपने तीसरे एलबम पर काम करते हुए नाइटविश को फिन्निश यूरोविजन साँग कन्टेस्ट में 'द स्लीपवॉकर' के लिए स्वीकृत किया गया।
स्लीपवॉकर इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Gordon's patients: Phillip, a habitual sleepwalker; Kincaid, a tough kid from the streets who is prone to violence; Jennifer, a hopeful television actress prone to cigarette burns; Will, who uses a wheelchair because of a prior suicide attempt; Taryn, a recovering drug addict; and Joey, the youngest, who is too traumatized to speak.
Each is in a sense a sleepwalker, living between vanishing and emerging ethical systems just as the somnambulist exists in a state between sleeping and waking.
As one reviewer noted, "His characters are sleepwalkers because their own lives are shaped by the forces of the nightmare reality in which they live.
He had been a habitual sleepwalker.