स्लब Meaning in English
स्लब शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : slab
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स्लब हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
उदाहरण के लिए, मुहम्मद इब्न साद अल-मस्लब कहते थे, 'एक ध्वनि कथन के लिए एक इस्नाद बनाना गलत नहीं है।
"" उनके प्रयासों में सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम, 2005, व्हिस्लब्लॉर्स प्रोटेक्शन एक्ट, 2011, लोकपाल और लोकायुक्त अधिनियम, 2013 और शिकायत निवारण विधेयक की ओर काम करना शामिल है।
स्लब इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Gittleson, and the couple from the beginning of the film), surgical equipment, and a slab.
Grabbing a knife from the slab Norman stabs Freudstein, causing rotten flesh and maggots to ooze out of his old lab coat.
The undersides of the floor slabs serve as reflective surfaces.
The insurgents suffered heavy casualties until Juan Jose de los Reyes, the Pípila, fitted a slab of rock on his back to protect himself from enemy fire and crawled to the large wooden door of the Alhóndiga with a torch in hand to set it on fire.
G-III Apparel Group, the company that licenses Ivanka Trump brand clothing, then took responsibility for mislabeling the clothing, and said they were taking steps to remove mislabeled items from stores.
It features an all-moving slab tail and retractable tricycle landing gear for land operations.
In 1880, Mummery and Burgener were repelled while trying to make the first ascent of the much-coveted Dent du Géant, being forced back by some difficult slabs.
12 (December 1972; mislabelled no.
There is also a large tomb made of 4 sculptured slabs.
Each slab has the front face decorated with a trellis-pattern like the walls of a yurt, and a simple frieze on top.
The rockfall left clean slabs that can be climbed via bolt ladders and a pendulum with a tricky knot-toss rope maneuver.
The canisters had been mislabelled as The Sentimental Blonde but were discovered by luck.
While there is agreement that the grooves in the eastern part were cut deliberately into the stone slabs to guide cart wheels, those in the western section are interpreted by some authors as a result of wear or do not appear at all.