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स्टैलग Meaning in English

स्टैलग शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : slag

स्टैलग इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

Her first published work was a collection of poems, "Vingeslag" ("Beating of Wings").

Vingeslag (poetry, 1976).

At Engelbrektsplan next to Humlegården, the Djursholm line of the Roslag Railway ended from 1895–1960 and on the other side of the park, on Lidingövägen, the Lidingö Tram line ended from 1914–1967.

His autobiography, 50 ganger på Norges landslag, was issued in 1949.

The designated concentration camps were not classified as "KZ-Lager" by the Nazis, but rather as Häftingslager ("detainee camps") under the administration of the Nazi "security police," the SS and Gestapo.

transit internment of various prisoners bound for camps in Germany and Poland (Durchgangslager / Dulag) - including Jews, prominent political prisoners, and others.

1 Tromsdalen detention camp (Norwegian: Tromsdalen fangeleir, German: Polizeihäftlingslager Tromsdalen), colloquially known as Krøkebærsletta, was a Nazi concentration camp just east of Tromsø, Norway, built during World War II.

A handful were designated as Polizeihäftlingslagers (police detainee camps) and run by the Sicherheitspolizei, specifically the camps at Grini, Falstad, Ulven (later replaced by Espeland), and Sydspissen (later replaced by Tromsdalen).

Construction on Polizeihäftlingslager Tromsdalen was finished in October 1942 and prisoners were transported there in November.

Tributaries of the Great Egg Harbor River Espeland detention camp (Norwegian: Espeland fangeleir, German: Polizeihäftlingslager Espeland) was an internment camp opened in 1943 by Nazi Germany in occupied Norway next to the village of Espeland in the borough of Arna, Bergen.

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