स्क्वेयर नृत्य करना Meaning in English
स्क्वेयर नृत्य करना शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : square dance
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चौकोर नृत्यस्क्वेयर नृत्य समारोह
चौकोर सौदा
वर्ग समीकरण
वर्ग फुट
वर्ग फल
वर्ग इंच
वर्ग इन्च
चौरसाई लोहा
चौरस भूमि
चौकोर मैट्रिक्स
वर्ग मैट्रिक्स
चौकोर उपाय
वर्ग मीटर
वर्ग मील
स्क्वेयर-नृत्य-करना इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
A western square dance caller may interpolate patter—in the form of metrical lines, often of nonsense—to fill in between commands to the dancers.
The group (part of the MIT Outing Club) was to dance the new "Western" style squares (not traditional square dance); Don Beck was to be the first caller.
The same month, Veronica McClure and an MIT freshman, Charles Hatvany, attended a traditional square dance that the Outing Club was holding as part of its Introductory Activities weekend.
The caller, Tex Wilson, thought he had been invited to call a "Western" square dance, so he was happy to see Veronica and Charles come through the door in "Western" attire.
Later that school year, in 1969, Veronica and Charles organized the square dancers into a separate MIT "club" (made possible because Charles was a student).
Villages in Unst A square dance program or square dance list is a set of defined square dance calls or dance steps which are associated with a level of difficulty.
Programs and program lists are managed and universally recognized in modern Western square dance.
Upper-level dance programs include not only square dance calls, but also square dance concepts.
Callerlab, the International Association of Square Dance Callers, the largest international square dance association manages the most universally recognized of these programs, and currently manages seven dance program lists.
In general, the first three levels are more physically active than the challenge level (often referred to as challenge square dance).
Challenge square dance is more cerebral and focuses on problem-solving.
Having managed program lists allows modern Western square dance to be an international activity.
Modern Western square dance.
Where's The Dance- The worldwide source for finding modern Western square dance clubs at every program level.