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स्काईडाइव Meaning in English

स्काईडाइव शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : skydive

स्काईडाइव हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

वे सात महाद्वीपों में स्काईडाइविंग कर चुकी हैं, जिसके लिए उन्हें एयरो क्लब ऑफ इंडिया ने पिछले साल उन्हें प्रतिष्ठित साबिहा गोक्सेन मेडल के लिए नामित किया था।

उन्होंने सितंबर 2020 में कोरोना योद्धाओं को सलामी देने के लिए 15,000 फीट का स्काईडाइव किया।

सन्दर्भ शीतल राणे महाजन एक भारतीय महिला स्काईडाइविंग एडवंचरिस्ट हैं।

""31 अक्टूबर 1997 को फ्रेंच स्काईडाइवर पैट्रिक डी गयार्डन ने संवाददाताओं को एक ऐसा विंग सूट दिखाया था जिसमें अद्वितीय सुरक्षा और कार्यक्षमता थी।

स्काईडाइविंग में 18 नेशनल और 6 से ज्यादा अंतर्राष्ट्रीय रिकॉर्ड उनके नाम हैं।

1999 में फिनलैंड के जरी कुओस्मा और क्रोएशिया के रॉबर्ट पेक्निक ने मिलकर एक ऐसा विंग सूट तैयार किया जो सभी स्काईडाइवरों (हवा में गोता लगाने वालों) के लिए सुरक्षित और सुलभ था।

मेलोन, जो (जून, 2000). बर्थ ऑफ फ्रीली. स्काईडाइव मैगज़ीन .।

स्काईडाइव इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

They skydive into a sinkhole and discover Quantum has been secretly damming Bolivia's supply of fresh water to create a monopoly.

17 Wing Winnipeg, for training purposes, and as a skydive drop zone by Skydive Manitoba.

WPSPC operates from the Robertson Airfield on weekends and public holidays and facilitates tandem skydiving and student training, and provides a facility for sports skydivers.

To become a high-performance canopy pilot, a competent skydiver must typically have at least 1,000 jumps and start a one- to two-year training process to compete at the "standard" level.

Segala who had an extensive knowledge of booby traps and Improvised explosive devices, Gary Magnusson and Hannes Smit who were experienced civilian skydivers and Major Jakkals de Jager who was a paratrooper in the SADF.

Adrian Nicholas (1962"ndash;2005), skydiver.

In August 2014, Mylan undertook a tandem skydive from to raise funds for Autism Puzzles.

He observes the differences between black people and white people; for example, Hughley notes that black people don't skydive or do other dangerous physical activities because they experience enough peril just trying to get through an average day.

Streets in Helsinki Tandem skydiving or tandem parachuting refers to a type of skydiving where a student skydiver is connected to an instructor via a harness.

In the United States most skydiving centers and clubs require that you be 18 years or older to skydive whereas in other countries the minimum age can be lower or higher.

This is one of three commonly used training methods for beginning skydivers; the others being Static line, Instructor-assisted deployment (IAD), and Accelerated freefall (AFF) (k).

Tandem skydiving is a very popular training method for first time skydivers, but it is more expensive than a static line.

Although it is the exception, many have commented that during a tandem skydive they experienced nausea and the feeling of passing out, which starts after the canopy deployment and goes away immediately after landing.

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