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सौभाग्य Meaning in English

सौभाग्य शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : good fortune
, good luck

सौभाग्य इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

A black cat depicted above a red horseshoe open at the top were intended to represent hoodoo that the Germans could not defeat, and the good luck that the division expected to have during combat in France.

When I write a piece for his magazine, of course I have the immeasurable good luck to be edited by him.

Taking a young waitress, Marcie, with him as a good luck charm, he buys into the backroom poker game led by the all-powerful Senator Roark.

Literally the beckoning cat, it is often referred to in English as the "good fortune" or "good luck" cat.

Over time, the tradition developed of rubbing Timothy's left toe for good luck.

Although their designs vary, Maltese crosses with a square central panel displaying a swastika, the Buddhist good luck symbol, predominate.

Roger's unique ability to see which players are receiving help from angels leads their skeptical manager George Knox to keep him around as a good luck charm and consultant.

Drinking water from Bull's head (pictured above) for good luck.

An alternate operatic good luck charm, originating from Italy, is the phrase "in bocca al lupo!" ("In the mouth of the wolf") with the response "Crepi il lupo!" ("May the wolf die").

At the end of the performances, the street magicians attempt to sell magic rings, which the magician represents as a source of good luck or power.

The expression probably reflects a superstition (perhaps a theatrical superstition) in which directly wishing a person "good luck" would be considered bad luck, therefore an alternative way of wishing luck was developed.

The Bergmannskapelle (17th century) is a small wooden chapel, former used by the miners to pray for good luck.

The flower is said to only bloom under special circumstances, and the person who possesses it will be granted good luck.

सौभाग्य हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण

कुछ सौभाग्यशाली संख्या संयोजनों में शामिल हैं :।

धार्मिक कार्यों में बढ़-चढ़कर हिस्सा लेना इस गांव के लोग अपना सौभाग्य समझते हैं।

''रूप लावण्य, सौभाग्य और यश से मतवाली हो, यौवन के अहंकार में मस्त हो मैं दूसरी स्त्रियों की अवज्ञा करती थी।

यह उनका परम सौभाग्य था कि उनको अपनी प्रकृति के अनुकूल आजीविका प्राप्त हुई थी।

सौभाग्य से इन सबके दर्शन करने का मुझे मौका मिला।

इस सूरा का विषय संसार में मनुष्य की और मनुष्य के लिए संसार की वास्तविक हैसियत समझाना और यह बताना है कि ईश्वर ने मनुष्य के लिए सौभाग्य और दुर्भाग्य के दोनों रास्ते खोलकर रख दिए हैं।

आपको यदि भौंरासा जाने का सौभाग्य मिले तो आप दमोह से सागर रोड से जाये और बांसा से भौंरासा तक गयी 7'nbsp;km सड़क से जायें।

लेकिन सौभाग्य से नासा को चीन की नेशनल स्पेस एडमिनिस्ट्रेशन द्वारा ताईएंग शेन, नाम की तैयार क्लासिफाइड बुस्टर मिलता है, जो मंगल तक सामान पहुँचाने में सक्षम है।

जिसके दर्शन सौभाग्यशाली व्यक्ति को ही प्राप्त होते हैं।

उन्होंने बहुत से ग्रंथों की रचना की जिनमें से कुछ के नाम इस प्रकार हैं- 'शिवार्चन चंद्रिका', 'क्रमरत्नावली', 'भैरवार्चापारिजात', 'द्वितीयार्चन कल्पवल्ली', 'काली-सपर्या-क्रम-कल्पवल्ली', 'पंचमेय क्रमकल्पलता', 'सौभाग्य रत्नाकर' (36 तरंग में),'सौभग्य सुभगोदय', 'ज्ञानदीपिका' और 'चतु:शती टीका अर्थरत्नावली'।

सीमन्तोन्नयन का अभिप्राय है सौभाग्य संपन्न होना।

मगर यह बात मैं समझ चुका था कि विस्मार्क के राज्य से सम्बन्धित होने का सौभाग्य सभी जर्मनवासियों को नहीं मिला था।

सौभाग्यवश 27 अक्टूबर 1979 को 3 पैराशूट बटालियन में भर्ती होकर देवी चंद देशसेवा को समर्पित हो गए।

सौभाग्य इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण

In a random case of good fortune, the current owner of the house provided the crew with a guitar Shania had left behind.

Fortunately for Villena, he received a token of good fortune when his cousin, Infante Ferdinand of Castile, became King of Aragon in 1412.

He also mentioned that while Stephanides' books, scientific collections and most of his notes were destroyed during World War II in air attacks on Corfu town, A Survey was saved by good fortune.

In some cultures, sneezing is seen as a sign of good fortune or God's beneficence.

The poem closes with the narrator offering thanks to all who, at the end of the poem, brought about his good fortune, and a dedication to the 'poetis laureate' Geoffrey Chaucer and John Gower.

who is successful at everything he does, a fellow of good fortune, with a reputation of being completely loyal to the Emperor, highly gifted and reliable, but also a corrupt and slippery customer.

In this story, the Trio adopt their guises as part of rituals they perform to bring good fortune to their endeavors, calling upon the spirits of earth, air, and water.

In China, the Buddha's hand fruit is a symbol of happiness, longevity, and good fortune.

It is to be hoped that my good fortune will last and that God will save us the trouble.

It is said to be a symbol of good fortune.

however, ascribe success to the discipline of the troops and Constantine's felicitas, his 'good fortune'.

Atkinson was taught at Forest in the 1890s, who went on to be the surgeon on Scott's last, fatal Antarctic Expedition, but had the good fortune to survive himself.

To this day, this image continues to be painted, drawn or cast in many materials including bronze, brass, and porcelain and is often given as a symbolic wedding gift for an abundant marriage, many generations of children, and good fortune and happiness.

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