सो Meaning in English
सो शब्द का अंग्रेजी अर्थ : so
, go to sleep
ऐसे ही कुछ और शब्द
निगाल जानाशहर जाना
फलाँग जाना
कीचड्ॅअ पोतना
के विरूद्ध सशस्ट्र युद्ध छेड़ना
भूमिगत होना
पानी के नीचे जाना
अचर्चित होना
तक होना
गलत चल जाना
भटक जाने वाला
गंतव्य स्थान
लक्ष्य निर्देशित
सो इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
Describing her daily routine in a 2012 interview, Padukone said, "I would wake up at five in the morning, go for physical training, go to school, again go for playing badminton, finish my homework, and go to sleep.
Hatem recalls enjoying the "haunted gas station mini mart" from the episode The Battle at Shadow Ridge, which he claimed to possibly be the "goofiest" episode of the series; Hatem said, "If a gas station mini mart can be haunted, then I can go to sleep a happy man; then I know this world is truly a special place".
Ina stated that she could not produce the urine sample because she had already prepared to go to sleep.
That night, Sebastian does not go to sleep.
I wake up in the dark, and I go to sleep in the dark.
They howl again at night, before they go to sleep, and the calls are answered by males from other red howler groups, to let them know their location so that their territories do not overlap.
Ross sarcastically suggests that he would like to trade ailments with the old man, who jokingly accepts the trade and they go to sleep.
She waits for her husband to go to sleep then she sneaks out of her house and steals his car, a mint green Cadillac, escaping her family.
During dinner that night, Sala asks her mother to do the bra trick in which she takes off her bra with one hand and puts it back on; Sayoko refuses, but when Sala says she will go to sleep if she does it, Sayoko does it and sets a new time record.
When they go to sleep at night they turn up in the Dream Zone where, as the Midnight Patrol, they are appointed by the Grand Dozer to protect it from nightmares and other threats and are given their missions by the Snooze Patrol.
Various silly groups of people go to sleep together, such as a "Hinkle Horn Honking Club.
Once she realizes that she and Ryan weren't meant to be, she just decides to give him some tea, that actually helps him go to sleep.
सो हिंदी उपयोग और उदाहरण
अतएव स्पष्ट है कि यहां के लोगो का पुराने अन्धविश्वासों एंव रुढ़ियों में कम विश्वास होगा।
प्रदर्शन की तिथि से ही 'बर्फी!' ने भारतभर के मल्टीप्लेक्सों को 80-90% तक भर दिया, लेकिन सीमित प्रदर्शन के लिए निचला स्तर ही पा सकी।
स्थान जानकारी के अतिरिक्त नक्शे को समोच्च पंक्तियों (आइसोलाइन) को चित्रित करने के लिए भी इस्तेमाल किया जा सकता है जो उन्नयन, तापमान, वर्षा आदि के निरंतर मूल्यों का संकेत देता है।
परंपरा [3] में कहा गया है कि बुद्ध ने अपने ज्ञान के तुरंत बाद अभिमम्मा को सोचा था, फिर कुछ साल बाद देवताओं को सिखाया।
द सोसायटी ऑफ यीशु औपचारिक रूप से 16 वीं शताब्दी के मध्य में स्थापित की गई थी, और उन्होंने जल्दी ही धर्म सुधार विरोधी आंदोलन के दौरान शिक्षा प्रदान करने के लाभों को देखा, इसे 'दिल और दिमाग के लिए लड़ाई के मैदान' के रूप में पाया।
"" यहाँ से नारियल की रस्सी, खोपरा, कहवा,चाय, सोंठ, मूँगफली तथा मछली की खाद निर्यात की जाती है।
पथेर पांचाली का छायांकन तीन वर्ष के लम्बे समय में हुआ — जब भी राय या निर्माण प्रबंधक अनिल चौधरी कहीं से पैसों का जुगाड़ कर पाते थे, तभी छायांकन हो पाता था।
सोमालिया की संघीय सरकार का 20 अगस्त 2012 में स्थापना के साथ ही टीएफजी का अंत हो गया।
इसके मुख्य यौगिक सोडियम, पोटैशियम और मैग्नीशियम के ब्रोमाइड हैं।
1972 में जन्मे लोग फ़ेला अनिकुलापो कुटी (Fela Anikulapo Kuti, जन्म: 15 अक्तूबर 1938 अबोकुटा में; मृत्यु 2 अगस्त 1997 लागोस में) सुप्रसिद्ध नाइजीरियाई सैक्सोफ़ोनिस्ट तथा बैंड लीडर थे।
शताब्दी में वेल्श राष्ट्रीय भावना बढ़ी; प्लेड सिमरू 1925 में और वेल्श भाषा सोसायटी का गठन 1962 में किया गया था।
इष्टतम ईंधन की खपत के लिए माख 2.04 (~) सामान्य चाल (सुपरसोनिक न्यूनतम तलकर्षण, हालांकि उच्च गति पर टर्बोजेट अधिक कुशल हैं)।
उपलब्ध स्थान और तलों के बीच की ऊँचाई मालूम करने के बाद यह निश्चित करना चाहिए कि सोपान का प्रकार क्या होगा और द्वारों, मोखों, गलियारों तथा खिड़कियों की स्थिति का ध्यान रखते हुए प्रथम तथा अंतिम अड्डे किन स्थानों के आस पास रखे जा सकते हैं।
सो इसके अंग्रेजी अर्थ का उदाहरण
He was known for his high workload and played as a and , but could also fill in at .
He made his NRL debut in round 18 of the 2003 NRL season against the Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs.
In his first season at Canterbury, Stagg played 24 games as the club finished second on the table during the regular season.
In the 2012 NRL season, Stagg played 27 games as Canterbury won the Minor Premiership and reached the 2012 NRL Grand Final.
Stagg rejoined the Brisbane Broncos in 2013 on a two-year deal, he would go on to play 14 games for the club in the 2013 NRL season.
In the early rounds of the 2014 NRL season, Stagg suffered a serious knee injury, ruling him out for the season before retiring at the end of the 2015 NRL season.
During the 2007/2008 off season Stagg married his then girlfriend, Tamika Sellars.
KTTZ-TV, a television station (channel 39 digital) licensed to Lubbock, Texas, United States, which used the call sign KTXT-TV from 1962 to 2012 The Utica Psychiatric Center, also known as Utica State Hospital, opened in Utica on January 16, 1843.
The hospital filled quickly and more beds were needed, so the building was enlarged by the addition of wings on either end.
These wings opened in 1846, and in 1850, the accommodations were listed as: "380 single rooms for patients, 24 for their attendants, 20 dormitories each accommodating from 5 to 12 persons, 16 parlors or day rooms, 12 dining rooms, 24 bathing rooms, 24 closets and 24 water closets".
Brigham also introduced an annual fair at the hospital to display and sell items created by the patients.
Some of the asylum inmates also printed a newsletter, called The Opal, which contained articles, poems, and drawings produced by the patients.
William Spiers, a convicted arsonist, former patient, and sporadic employee, was arrested after admitting to setting both fires because he was angry with his supervisor.